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L. Olenick Feb 22
I am a teacher. I do not want a gun in my room full of 6 year olds. Ever. No sane human thinks it should be teachers’ job to carry weapons to defend their students from being shot rather than law enforcement & government.
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Bryan Suits, Los Angeles' Anti Dude Feb 24
It's a fact that the AR-15 is the only rifle on the face of the Earth that can fire in semi-auto mode. And it sends an 8000 mile per hour bullet that has been specially designed to damage it's target. No other firearm on Earth does this. Facty fact fact. Please RT.
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Peter Daou Feb 22
Every single day I'm proud to be a Democrat. Yes, our party has its problems, but we fight for , , women's rights, clean air, clean water, equality, fairness, and justice for all. And we prioritize compassion, empathy and realism.
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Margo Jones Feb 22
Gun nuts are selfish people, no other way to say it. I like shooting too, shooting semis is fun, I get it. But, to put your hobby before the safety of children is a real dick move, and everyone knows it, even gun nuts know it.
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🇺🇸 Jack Snow❄️ #BoycottNRA🚫 Feb 23
The difference between a handgun and an AR-15 in terms of forensic damage is the difference between a scalpel and a chainsaw.
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tara strong Feb 22
Hey since you think school shootouts are the answer, how do you think a teacher would feel if he or she accidentally killed someone’s innocent child? How bout you ask ANY OTHER COUNTRY how works.
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🇺🇸ɳαɳ૮ყ ن Feb 26
Look at this coward teaching in CAIR Mosque. Oh, but he wants YOU to be disarmed EXPOSE Broward County 🎈
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Ann🕊🇺🇸 Feb 26
Well, well, well.. Florida Governor Rick Scott Orders Investigation Into Scott Israel’s Links to Terrorist Organization Including Why He Was Providing Weapons to a Radical Local Mosque!
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Pinball Wizard Feb 24
If you have a problem with the , which funds sporting events,gun safety education & training programs, through private donations. Yet, you’re fine with the federal govt funding a chop shop , YOU are mentally screwed up!
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Vision🔸Resists Feb 22
Her name was . She was killed in the . Her mother asked that everyone tweet out her name. We won't forget you, Alyssa. We won't forget any of the victims of . We will not rest until there is .
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Kirstenjoyweiss 39m
What other org used hurting children to pass their corrupt agenda... what was it... her-- hir-- oh yes. Hitler Youth. 🤷‍♀️ facts are facts. Meddling with the hurting souls of children, in order pass an agenda-- is beyond evil. Stop using them and let them grieve.
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♻️ Christopher Zullo Feb 25
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Margo Jones Feb 22
Exit wounds from an AR-15 can be the size of an orange. If you think it's OK to give any random person that level of power without any kind of screening, you are a threat to public safety.
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Cult of Eh Feb 23
Canada has strict gun laws, yet we haven’t seen an increase in the number of mass murders using alternative methods such as vehicles, knives, bombs, swimming pools, and whatever other nonsense ammosexuals claim people will use instead of guns.
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Rosie Unmasked ⚖️ 1h
Hey look at me imma make “jokes” about Kushner getting shot because imma a and hypocrisy is my full-time job 🙄
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Nicole Dietrich 31m
Feeling exhilarated (and tired) from an amazing lobby day with . Thanks and for organizing SC ! is a winning issue.
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US Gun Violence 1h
. extremism has led to more American deaths than AlQaeda & ISIS can ever dream of :
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US Gun Violence 2h
If want guns in OUR workplaces, why did they ban carrying loaded rifles into THEIR offices? :
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Jacob Christensen 2h
Okay folks, is dead on with this. The pedestal that guns have been out on in this country is insane. Can we please have reasonable ??
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Matthew J. Titone 2h
are not enough; Too Soon Too Talk = Too Late to Act; Proud to stand with Legislators & today.
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