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Jason Caine Feb 20
Some days you have to be savage to make it thru. Don’t let them drain your motivation or drive.
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Desmond Dreckett Feb 20
5 Ways to Have a More Productive Morning 1. Wake up a lot earlier. 2. Meditate as soon as you can. 3. Get your exercise in early. 4. Eat a smarter breakfast. (eat a high-protein meal in the morning) 5. Handle your toughest task first.
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Mindfulness Wellness Feb 22
Holding on to grudges holds you back from achieving success
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IsSy 🐺 Feb 18
Trying to navigate back to myself. May as well spread the as I go ✌💜
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kaleigh💞 23h
Happy Tuesday💞 Spread positivity and be kind to others
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Neha Kakkar Feb 21
Spread some around you and see the magic!! - Neha Kakkar ♥️
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Chris Hinchcliffe 2h
Congrats to everyone that stayed the course with their action with hope he wins it now!
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Kris Aquino Feb 25
 Thank You for trusting me w/ a preview of your Spring Collection! I’ve been watching his  videos BUT being in his presence & having an intimate conversation w/ him INSPIRED me to continue championing     
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Motivational Quotes Feb 25
Amazing things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.
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Jason Caine 13h
The 1 thing that you can count on is that things will change. You have the choice of trying to fight this or learn how to navigate it to positive shores
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Brian Tracy Feb 24
Speak only into existence.
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Janelle Brandom Feb 22
It’s wild to me to think just how powerful our words are. We can tear down or build up someone so easily. “People will forget what you say, forget what you did, but never forgot how you made them feel.” Use your words to make someone feel amazing, special!
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Brent Matthias Feb 23
I was Blessed to wake up to another wonderful day of Life!🌞 I'm choosing to make it count and to LIVE LIFE!!!! 👏👏👏 Hope you do the same!!!😃
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Ida Army Feb 19
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Shelby Summers 4h
My car got towed. But I found a cute Mexican place. Yay for guacamole and old school rap. ✌️✌️✌️
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Motivational Quotes 4h
Negativity is the DISEASE. Positivity is the cure.
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Create the Ripple Feb 20
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Siddhartha Minhas Feb 23
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ActionComplete Feb 24
Not to spoil the ending for you but... everything is going to be okay.
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Emily Billings Feb 25
Why do ppl feel the need to comment on posts just to be negative? Nothing nice to say? Don't say it!!!
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