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Charles Delancray Feb 24
"You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." (HT: ) C. S. Lewis
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Erez 8h
A of the I allowed myself to learn One Year after I became a of my . via
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Mind & Spirit 39m
The Power of No: Why Christians Need Boundaries
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James Altucher Feb 21
[OUT NOW!] 319 - : . How to Give Yourself a Radical Upgrade
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Mindful Modern Nomads 12h
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Michael Nulty-Author Feb 23
Don't overlook the little things you can do to make your life easier by obsessing about the big things you can’t do. Focus on what you can control and you will your life every day.
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WeAreTeachers Feb 24
The view from the student desk will give you a new perspective.
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Bruce Van Horn Feb 23
The more you read, the more you see of the world.
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Craig Pennell 4h
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Scotty Rude Feb 22
"Success is due to our stretching to the challenges of life. Failure comes when we shrink from them." -
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Cat 21h
2017 me: eats dinner in bed 2018 me: eats dinner in bed after the gym
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Community Wealth 21h
You can't take everyone with you. Sometimes you have to let people go in order for you to grow.
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I play at church Feb 26
C.S. Lewis once described humans this way: “We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.”
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Allan Beveridge Feb 20
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Gemela 3h
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Bruce Van Horn Feb 20
Spend most of your energy on building the new version of you, rather than on tearing down the old version.
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Allan Beveridge Feb 24
Never assume you know why someone did something ... Not only is it a waste of time, you are likely wrong. .
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Wil Becker 9m
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HomeBusiness Success Feb 18
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michael mccalla 7h
I was asked today how do we get teams to self organize? Five years ago I answered working agreements, def of done... Today my answer was ensure they understand how their work contributes to the mission, purpose and great good of the org.
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