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Anthony Lee Medina Feb 23
At a dentist appointment... they handed me papers to fill out and under marital status I unconsciously wrote “Single AF”
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Laura 🥀 Lam - Shattered Minds out in UK pb! Feb 25
I got my first academic paper proposal accepted. I get to go to Transylvania to talk about vampires and faeries.
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Cindi B. Feb 25
One person has already stomped off crying and we haven’t even started Family council yet.
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Beverley Eve Feb 23
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Sara Barker 10h
Warming up post-picket line pre-dentist with French Onion Soup at and a little birthday present to myself
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Sarah Perry Feb 15
Listening to The Hound of the Baskervilles and polishing the brass on the coal scuttle
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Julia 10h
think carefully about the brands you wear. Got these 3 years ago and now i work here!
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Mayday Mindy Feb 15
Oh Stormy Daniels Sing like the Delicate bird you are! And it will give another reason to bitch slap Donny in public!
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Gilda Wabbit 6h
A designer friend: “This fabric is too virginal. A Gilda gown needs to invite the viewer to fuck her.”
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Birth.Movies.Death. Feb 21
Phil stays for his final Say Something Nice.
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sam esfandiari 6h
This was enjoyable. I’m in tears over Andre’s answers. Very
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PodKATT 2h
Front page of the ol' blog feeling very this afternoon.
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Anna N 23h
my coworker was packing up to leave and I forced her to listen to my very long-winded (and inaccurate) account of the taylor-kimye feud and I’ve never felt more
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Jennifer de Guzman Strikes Again Feb 14
Replying to @kierongillen
Ha, . How old were you?
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Brant Croucher 11h
Replying to @ryanhargrave
What an asshole. (But also, I just read through his timeline and that seems to be )
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Allison Keene Feb 14
Ash Wednesday coinciding with Valentine's Day is a very thing for 2018 to do
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Maggie? Winters? 8h
In my Facebook profile photo, I am making the same face is making in my cover photo and baby this wasn't planned but the universe wants me to always be
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Kimberlie Haner Feb 23
Coworkers all order beers. I order a root beer float.
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Aaron from @evolvepod 6h
All mine were about the Spice Girls or my hatred of the show GIRLS.
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Emily Andras Feb 25
Of course is hogging the nosh
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