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Elizabeth🐶🦋💘 2h
Ughhh, Facebook is soooo bleak, why didn't I see it sooner? Anyway, glad to be back on all are way more fun & entertaining. Everyone on FB seems to complain or front 2 much,🤣🙊
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Miranda Devine 10h
Kerry Stokes is spot on: More has to be done to curb the “rapacious appetites” of online powerhouses and or we risk a world run by just two companies
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Dear , You're on thin ice. Stop taking money for ads. We're boycotting you until you . I mean, who really uses anymore? ...I just did.
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Ivor Cummins 7h
I'm beginning to encounter the new censorship regime. Is anyone else experiencing these tactics? Genuine lectures on Youtube marked as "spam". Hearing more and more accounts of this - interested in feedback.
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All Things Comedy 5h
Happy Birthday to our funny friend Here's to hoping no one posted anything dumb on your Facebook today!
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Patriot Lady #MAGA 5h
deleted a post on my 100% private account about David Hogg being an actor. They sent me a message saying they deleted it.
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Neal Schaffer 4h
Facebook ads expensive? Here's what organic marketing is costing you
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Margo Jones 7h
Hillary Clinton had to pay substantially more for her ads in swing states bc her ads weren't as clickbaity (divisive) as Trump's. How the hell is that legal?
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Alan Poirier 10m
You either have free speech or you don’t have free speech. Controlled speech, curated speech is not free speech.
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Zora Suleman 9h
Man shot dead during his Live stream near Wingate University in North Carolina ... gunman fired 4 shots at victim after being told he was being filmed
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Neal Schaffer 10h
13 Tools Marketers Use to Boost Engagement
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Wirality 2h
Whatsapp will work with Facebook to figure out the effectiveness of these connections for itself and the business.
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Jonathan Levin 22h
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Teodrose Fikre 7h
Inspired by 's blocking off an article I wrote about |ns & |ans liberating themselves from oppressors. Facebook sees a problem w/ people speaking of unity to overcome injustice. Watch this & pass it on
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Leslie's Care Packages Feb 25
we are currently helping a young Mom to be with baby items, who is living in a homeless shelter, and thanks to my wonderful supporters and followers on we have already quite a few items to pass on.. is just amazing ❤️💜
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Pinnie 10h
Films His Own on Live – multiple times for no reason (WARNING: GRAPHIC)
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Acid Death 19m
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TRUMP Defense ☎️ 8h
Hmmm I wonder why the CEO of be trying to unload all his stocks?
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Joolz Denby Feb 25
Now blocked from for reposting this and post. This means I can't tell people who support the post what's happened. If you have an FB account could you post about this? It's due to complains by men who think it's offensive & sexist.
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Afaq Ahmed 11m
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