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Same girl at 4 mass shootings... What are the odds? I guess crisis actors are in short supply these days. 🚩
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Mick The Atheist Feb 20
Dear Fellow Atheists. We often stress the importance of evidence when we challenge religious dogma. If you cannot accept the FACT that tighter gun control laws = the reduction of gun deaths, then I find you hypocritical and ask you to PLEASE unfollow me.
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Colt Feb 24
Do these ppl don't look like they've just stared death in the face to me.
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BenGarrison Cartoons 24h
from 2013 still relevant "the Sleeping Giant wakes up"- Are you awake? protect USA - Cartoons at need more? Support at
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This is not about 17 dead school children, America. This is the Democrat Party trying to take our guns & do away with the 🎯
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SouthernBelle4Trump Feb 21
Want To Know How Stop School Violence...Simple Answer
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TresDeplorable Feb 25
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Fulton L Huxtable Feb 19
How many would-be mass killers have walked into a police department to do their evil? None. They know everyone can shoot back. They go to gun-free zones where no one can shoot back. Teachers should be armed & trained to defend themselves & their students.
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Nadine Elhindi Feb 21
isn't meant to protect your right to hunt. It's meant to protect you from a tyrannical government. How many oppressive tyrants allow their people the right to bear arms?
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Old Man Stone 😎👣🌅🌕🌌⏳ Feb 24
Yep, been the plan all along. losing election, is just a delay in the plan to enslave the world. Number 1agenda of is to disarm American citizens. Join 😎🇺🇸🌴
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Evers Fam 2h
Crisis actors - discrete ...... . . . — why do I have a very bad feeling about this - - after
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Alex Jones 18h
Where else are the authorities are dropping the ball?!
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Chris Bauguess 1h
learn why we have the 2A!
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Alex Jones Feb 25
What is the running theme here? Don't question official narratives...
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Dan🇺🇸Covfefe🇺🇸 11h
Don’t fall for the common liberal agenda control points.. with every major event one of these is pushed! Don’t be guided by false emotions that lead to the destruction of our God given rights.. 🇺🇸
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🚨🚨🚨 THIS IS A MUST READ! We are being lied to by the media. This is an orchestrated event to steal our constitutional rights. 🎯 We must unite & not believe the brainwashing being put out there. 🇺🇸
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Counterchekist Feb 25
It’s like NRA is aiding an adversary’s information warfare operation against us. And Twitter is more than happy to oblige them. It’s becoming clear that America can have liberal democracy or social media. We cannot have both; as our citizens prove daily.
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Fulton L Huxtable Feb 19
There's an old saying: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.
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Old Man Stone 😎👣🌅🌕🌌⏳ Feb 24
Replying to @RightWingLawman
Yep, millions of firearms owned by millions of Americans, but only a very small percentage stand with and join the . Time to do your part if not a member. , join today. Life Member & Golden Eagle 😎🇺🇸🌴
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Dixie for Trump Feb 25
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