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💋 SIᕮᖇᖇᗩ ᗯᕼISKᕮᕮ Is The NRA 💋 Feb 20
Ole . has many crimes under her belt. The one held closest to my heart and angers me the most is ! She ALLOWED those deaths to happen. She murdered them. Period.
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Julian Assange ⏳ Feb 19
should be held accountable for colluding not only with Russia, but as well in her attempts to sabotage the campaign of with the . Simply put- these are treasonous actions.
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Tom Moore Feb 26
Mueller Rosenstien & McCabe Fixers Mueller cuts plea deal on 10 Spies Putin ties Bank gives Bill Clinton 500k Clinton Fnd $145 mm Gift FBI Informant Campbell Tells How Russians Bragged That the Clintons Would Deliver the Uranium Sale
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Harriet Baldwin 29m
She blames everyone but herself.
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BenGarrison Cartoons 24h
from 2013 still relevant "the Sleeping Giant wakes up"- Are you awake? protect USA - Cartoons at need more? Support at
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Marilynn Hendricks 12h
Replying to @NewtTrump
Why would anyone at this point trust in Any decision made by the FBI, especially where HRC is concerned. They are more than likely complicit in her Treason.
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Joe Belsha  🇺🇸🙏🇮🇱#ClearFlynnNow 21h
"Bless Her Little Heart" in the South We Even Insult Politely. Someone Care For Translation? 🤣
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❤️Proud American❤️ Feb 21
Replying to @HillaryClinton
Aren't you in jail yet?
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Robin Denver Feb 19
The “Guilt” is written all over her Face!
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🇺🇸Covfefe Hispanic🇺🇸 🔴RedNationRising🔴 Feb 24
🚨 Trey Gowdy, Hillary Clinton’s Crimes are Much Worse Than Anyone Thought
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BestReforms Feb 24
Hillary cheated. Destroyed evidence, funded the Russians, dead people voted, illegals voted, she got debate questions, and she still lost.
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Brutalist Media Platform 22h
Isn't aiding someone that is breaking the law, illegal? .
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Angela Box Feb 23
’s CLOSE FRIENDS given for crimes DIRECTLY related to her. They emails, smashed , destroyed 33k subpoenaed emails AND GOT IMMUNITY. There is NO justice when are involved.
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Nashville mayor Megan Barry and nasty BFF Hillary Clinton.
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Hatton Feb 25
Hillary says , I never had a spy inside mainstream Media Outlets, CORRECT SHE HAS HUNDREDS
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GITMO 🇺🇸 Feb 23
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Thunder Eagle 3h
Sounds like a very guilty frantic woman and rightfully should be.
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