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Texas Marine 🇺🇸 ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 Feb 24
NOT BREAKING: In the last 48 hours, shut down my account with no warning, reinstated my account, removed ALL the accounts I followed, then stripped 1,000 followers...
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ZED 🤐 Feb 22
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Xavier Sala-i-Martin Feb 20
Spain's descent into authoritarianism continues: a RAPPER has been sent to jail with a 3,5 years sentence for a song that claims that the King made a huge fortune through corrupt activities (a fact that was shown to be true by the NY Times in 2014 (see attached).
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Lizzie Owen ✨ Feb 22
Freedom of speech doesn’t give you an excuse to be a dick.
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Roberta Metsola MEP 15h
in , in . When investigative journalists become the target, you know there is a deeper problem. We will keep up the pressure for action on an EU level to protect journalists, to safeguard the & preserve
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#Qanon Iam An0nym0us Feb 24
DID YOU HEAR?? got PERMA BANNED for asking questions about the , This is getting WAY out of hand. We need an and we need it RIGHT NOW! must be protected pls RT if u agree .
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pyaezone Feb 18
Criticising is not racist because is a religion and are not a race. Also, it's not a when it's a real fear caused by countless evidences. And also why the are so supportive of a religion that oppress , and ?
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Jill Lawrence Feb 23
A political scientist is on trial in Turkey today for signing a petition critical of the government. By 's & profs from England and Scotland via
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sara spencer 🇬🇧 Feb 19
Wow CBC - SERIOUSLY? "Alt Right Chinese-Canadians"...🙄 Shame on You!!! You are a national joke. You owe ALL Canadians an apology for BOYCOTT & DISBAND CBC.
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OldJehle Feb 20
I just logged on and noticed I have lost A LOT of followers...I checked, and almost every other 10th person on my list has been "temporarily restricted." What in the world is going on?
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Very Stable Genius Feb 17
Got banned from the Gulag app, - so I came here to say you can't get rid of my that easily!!
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BenGarrison Cartoons Feb 21
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#Qanon Iam An0nym0us Feb 25
If you value your freedom of saying/viewing what you like, PLEASE sign this request to to get us an What is more important than ? Please sign, share and get others to sign. Thank you!
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Ajesh Kumar Shankar 2m
tell me , what was the plight of a before the Moghuls came?
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Anonymous Operations Feb 24
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Glenn Roberts 4h
YouTube will be remembered as one of the three STUPIDEST social media companies that moved from positions as bastions of FREE SPEECH to tools of fascism and slavery.
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James Munder Feb 25
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Muslims Down Under Feb 23
comes with the responsibility of being respectful and tolerant to others.
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ThomasGSchulze 🎗 Feb 22
Just arrived in Melbourne for (). Proudly displaying the symbol for social justice for people with mental illness & the in defense of in and . NOT mixing or comparing things, just openly declaring what I feel!
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Josep M Surinach 🎗 4h
When you try to repress it always backfires: IFEMA forbid the display of a piece of art showing Catalan political prisoners and it has become a huge sensation, with lots of visitors and massive media coverage 👍👍🎗🎗
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