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Gretchen Ho Feb 21
Just do your best, and let God do the rest. 🙏🏻
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John McGrath 7h
You can't drive forward and still be looking in the rear view mirror.
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John McGrath Feb 24
Take the First Steps The Stairs will appear.
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John McGrath Feb 25
Failure is Part of the Journey. Keep Going.
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John McGrath Feb 25
Never give up On becoming the Greatest version of You.
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Curt Landry 7h
"NOW is the time to strengthen our ! If you don't start now, when will you start?" -Curt Landry
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John McGrath 10h
Success is not Permanent & Failure is not Permanent. #
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Dr. Bilal Philips 12h
Spending on our family is akin to doing charity. There are amazing rewards for the one who does this. Smile and spend on your family. InShaAllaah, there is blessings and rewards galore.
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Dr. Bilal Philips 13h
Get ready to pursue your Masters in Islamic Studies at the Islamic Online University. Completely Online study. Registration are open now. To enroll:
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Positive Prayers 14h
Never lose faith! God loves you too much to let you down. Keep praying. Keep believing.
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PreachTheGospel Feb 23
Romans 10:4 KJV For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. -Saved by
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Samuel John-Thunder Feb 22
I put my in You. I put my in You. I put my in You God!
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Brooke Lynn 38m
"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." (Hebrews 11:1)
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ChristianRep 2h
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15b
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Dr. Bilal Philips 15h
We worry about future, whilst only Allah is Aware of it and He is All-Knowing.
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NwChristianNewspaper Feb 23
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Apostle Mary Magdalene Wangui Feb 22
.Jesus Christ is the MASTER, Scriptures are only the servant. John.1:1. Let’s trust Jesus in His Holy Spirit for our daily revelation and implementation of His word. Fare Thee Well .
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John McGrath Feb 23
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Speak The Word‼️✝️ Feb 25
The is Power. We receive through ’s Word
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World Economic Forum Feb 25
Do religious people experience different levels of happiness?
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