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Holy Bible Today
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Holy Bible Today 13 giờ
I will love more, Lord I will help more, Lord I will trust more, Lord I will obey more, Lord I will thank more, Lord I will follow more, Lord I will forgive more, Lord I will believe more, Lord As you honor your word Father, Jesus, HolySpirit
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Holy Bible Today 1 thg 6
You own my soul, Lord You own my time, Lord You own my smile Lord You own my body, Lord You own my mind, Lord You own my heart, Lord You own my world, Lord You own my whole, Lord Your will for me is perfect My Father Jesus HolySpirit
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Holy Bible Today 31 thg 5
You have heard me again, Lord You have healed me again Lord You have helped me again Lord You have guided me again, Lord You have blessed me again Lord You have forgiven me again Lord You are to be trusted always Lord Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, One God
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Holy Bible Today 30 thg 5
I Believe in God the Son I Believe in God the Spirit I Believe in God the Father I Believe in God who Loves I Believe in God who Saves I Believe in God who Makes I Believe in God who Blesses I Believe in God who Forgives Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, God
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Holy Bible Today 29 thg 5
By remembering, Love of God for me Help of God for me Grace of God for me Mercy of God for me Healing of God for me Blessings of God for me Generosity of God for me Forgiveness of God for me Father Jesus HolySpirit God
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Holy Bible Today 29 thg 5
Jesus said "Due to increase of wickedness, love of most will grow cold, but those who stand firm to the end will be saved, & the Gospel of Kingdom will be preached to the world as testimony to all nations, and then end will come." Mat 24:12-14
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Holy Bible Today 29 thg 5
Jesus said, “You will be handed over, persecuted & killed, and hated by all nations because of me. Then many will turn away from faith and will betray & hate each other, and many false prophets will appear & deceive many people." Mat 24:9-11
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Holy Bible Today 28 thg 5
Lord may I know Love builds faith Action builds faith Praying builds faith Sacrifice builds faith Kindness builds faith Obedience builds faith Repentance builds faith Thankfulness builds faith And faith delivers miracles Father Jesus HolySpirit God
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Holy Bible Today 28 thg 5
Jesus said "You will hear of wars & rumors of it, but don't be alarmed. It must happen, yet end is still away. Nation to rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. Famines & earthquakes to come. These are birth pains starting." Mat 24:6-8
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Holy Bible Today 28 thg 5
Disciples asked Jesus “When will this happen? What will be the sign of your coming and end of world?” Jesus said “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am Christ,’ and will deceive many." Mat 24:3-4
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Holy Bible Today 28 thg 5
As Jesus left Jerusalem Temple, disciples showed him its buildings. Jesus said, “Don't you see all these? Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” Mat 24:1-2 Lord, your word comes true.
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Holy Bible Today 27 thg 5
Air created by you Lord Life created by you Lord Soul created by you Lord Light created by you Lord Mind created by you Lord Food created by you, Lord Earth created by you, Lord Life sustained by you Lord Father Son HolySpirit God
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Holy Bible Today 26 thg 5
Merciful Lord, You cover for my habits You cover for my wrong You cover for my illness You cover for my fatigue You cover for my mistake You cover for my anxieties You cover for my weakness You raise me up in your glory Father, Jesus, HolySpirit, God
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Holy Bible Today 25 thg 5
My awesome Lord, You love me more than I can You heal me more than I can You help me more than I can You calm me more than I can You know me more than I can You inspire me more than I can You change me more than I can Father Jesus HolySpirit One God
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Holy Bible Today 24 thg 5
Lord, your love is so faithful Lord, your help is so faithful Lord, your cure is so faithful Lord, your grace is so faithful Lord, your mercy is so faithful Lord, your nature is so faithful Lord, your rescue is so faithful Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, God
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Holy Bible Today 23 thg 5
Lord I believe in your true love Lord, I believe in your kindness Lord, I believe in your blessings Lord, I believe in your goodness Lord, I believe in your generosity One who believes you receives all Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, One God
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Holy Bible Today 22 thg 5
Thank you Lord for the  Countless times you helped Countless times you healed Countless times you guided Countless times you replied Countless times you forgave Countless times you blessed Countless times you rescued Father, Jesus, HolySpirit, God
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Holy Bible Today 22 thg 5
Jesus said to Jerusalem, "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'" Mat 23:38-39 Father, may I know accepting Jesus is essential.
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Holy Bible Today 22 thg 5
Jesus said, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing." Matthew 23:37
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Holy Bible Today 22 thg 5
Jesus said "Upon you will come all righteous blood that was shed on earth, from blood of righteous Abel to blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you killed between temple and altar. Truly, all this will come on this generation" Mat23:35-36
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