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X Mill Runner 🌞🌟🌜 18h
we can help it out. We can make this whole damn thing work out. -Paul McCartney
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Kerry Teddy 18h
I may earn enough money to retire in 100 years.
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Eddie ☮ 18h
this tweet will get lots of likes.
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Roe'sGhost 18h
I'll be in Heaven, 10 minutes after the Devil knows I'm dead
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Kerry Teddy 17h
The world won’t kill each other over stupid things anymore.
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🐾 Lola 🐾 18h
I'll get through the day without throat punching a mofo.
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Robyn your 💜 18h
I can get lots of magical deliciousness!
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Dana 17h
today will be uneventful and peaceful.
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Jacqui 🍷Is it wine o’clock?🍷 17h
I’d have a clever tweet for y’all, but I’m frayed knot.
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Keebler Sidejob 18h
I'll get by with a little help from my friends.
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Cameron Grant 18h
MySpace will make a comeback.
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Shea Browning 18h
one of the 4,000 fortunes in the fortune cookies I’ve eaten might come true.
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Mallori 18h
my refund will come in before St. Patrick’s Day.
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craig onetweetwonder 17h
I can get tweetment for my Twitter addiction.
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Hello Felicia 17h
, my daughter will get a college acceptance letter or two. Then I'll help her pack
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Corey Miller 18h
, and a lot of booze, anything is possible.
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Dont Think So 18h
my Lucky Charms will have extra marshmallows.
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Mister Race Bannon 17h
I’ll get to keep all my feet
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Sarah W. 18h
I just may be able to land that dream job!
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ƇαƖƖισρєMσση 17h
and a steady hand I will not mess up putting on my eyeliner
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