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Chelsea Walker 11m
Today’s calendar message was a reminder of message at
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Sergeant Estrada🇺🇸 11h
🇺🇸🕊!🕊🇺🇸 Search Me, O , And Know My Heart; Try Me, And Know My Anxieties; And See If There Is Any Wicked Way In Me, And Lead Me In The Way Everlasting, ! :23-24 =
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Ruben DeLaHuerta Feb 24
You know how people will take a song and it will be most popular, then you listen to the whole album and find songs you like even more? People do the same thing with the Bible. Like, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” isn’t even the best part of in my opinion.
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Paula White-Cain Feb 18
You are fearfully and wonderfully created in the image of God! join me tonight 6pm est
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Tammie den Otter 2h
Wow, this hits home hard. Listen to talk freedom with
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Rev Dr Jeff Feb 24
12 For you yourself created my inmost parts; * you knit me together in my mother's womb. 13 I will thank you because I am marvelously made; * your works are wonderful, and I know it well.
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John Rowe 2h
Ask the Lord to search your heart, for "Ignorance of indwelling breeds within believers carelessness, sloth, false security, and ." //
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Cool T-Shirts 14h
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madalena Feb 23
My early morning thoughts of you 😇 v 14 @ Howell, New Jersey
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LeEfoRliFe Feb 22
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Beautifully Chaste Feb 21
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St Mary's, Pirton Feb 21
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Gavin Feb 20
Don’t worry about what others say about you or what you say about yourself. Look at what God says about you and embrace that.
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Ryan Smith Feb 20
Read of the day: Psalms 139 God’s presence is guaranteed His provisions are optional! :7-10
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Aaron Timoteo Feb 19
Replying to @a_t_needs_God
^ lightly paraphrased - “Our motive for surrender should not be for any personal gain at all.” - :23-24 → A prayer for us whenever to turn away from ungodly things and get right with God again. | | Pastor Marsha Burns
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Praisetheabove Feb 18
"...even there your hand will guide me,your right hand will hold me fast" 10
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Susan Tucker Johnson Feb 18
For the Lord your God has blessed you...He has known your wanderings...the Lord your God has been with you; you have not lacked a thing.”’
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Juliyana Feb 18
🌿🏵Each one of us are unique, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. :14 🌿🏵You are blessed to be a blessing! 🌿🏵It is one life we have, make it count. Be a change, make a difference! Have a blessed week.
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Shawn Martyn Roberts Feb 18
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