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Paula White-Cain Feb 20
Let every hidden enemy in your life be exposed!!
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Holy Bible Today 1h
Only God forgives you Only God cares for you Only God is your refuge Only God gives chances Only God blesses you ever Only God wishes your good Only God grants your prayer
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☘️EddieMAGATrump🇺🇸 Feb 25
I can definitely vouch for this 🙏
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Ernie Feb 23
Please pray for me. Feel under the weather. Thanks. 🙏🏼
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Fr Doug Halsema 4h
We pray all Christians take seriously their responsibility to love God and their neighbor so that they can be a light of truth and goodness to others.
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Prayerbullets 46m
I renounce all pride inherited from my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
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Pastor Marko de la Garza Feb 24
Evening Heavenly Father... Lord I thank You for being with us. Father I cry out again for those who have unsaved loved ones.. please make a way Lord that they would receive You! IJN. AMEN.
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Pastor Marko de la Garza Feb 25
Afternoon Father I lift up your group to you. I give You Praise! Lord let our earthly and eternal focus BOTH be fixed on You! Thine Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! Thank You Lord. IJN Amen
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CatholicPrayer Feb 23
"Holy Spirit, into my Jesus, transform me. "
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Ne' Burrell-Hargett Feb 22
“In the same way the SPIRIT also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should,but the SPIRIT HIMSELF intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words”.Rom8:26(NASB)
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Prayerbullets Feb 22
I will not allow the enemy to control my tongue, but I yield my tongue to the Holy Spirit.
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Antony Rugui 24h
May God guide you, May God watch over you, May God bless you, May you be a blessing.
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Prayerbullets 9h
Let the years of my life be increased -Prov. 9:11
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Prayerbullets 4h
Keep and guard me as the pupil of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings -Ps. 17:8
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Hle Radio Feb 22
Say a prayer for the daughter of our good friend Chuck Waldrup. She is having a tumor removed today by surgery!
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Pastor Marko de la Garza 5h
Evening Thank You Lord! I lift up our group to You. It rains on the just and unjust alike. Your Blessing is coming child of God....keep praying, keep crying out and keep thanking Him! IJN. AMEN
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Prayerbullets 10h
I break all generational curses of fear in the name of Jesus.
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timewithourcreator Feb 22
: Lord I come to you in Your Sons name to thank You for inviting me to come to You in Jesus' Name. "Let us therfore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:16.
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Pastor Marko de la Garza 9h
Afternoon Father..I lift up our group to You this afternoon. Lord l thank You that when we have a need we can pray and cry out to You and You hear our prayers and answer us! Mercy and Grace IJN AMEN
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Dr. Cindy Trimm Feb 22
Your prayers have no time, space, or geographic limit! Laws, ordinances and even nature has to adjust to accommodate the power of prayer at work! When you align with heavens agenda, everything adjusts to accommodate the answer.
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