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Fr. Edward Looney Feb 18
Lent is a time when we allow God to re-create us, breaking our attachments to the things of this world.
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Rose Delgado 7h
O Adorable Face of Jesus, whom all the angels adore, may You be known loved and adored by the whole world❗
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Fr. Joe Feb 20
.... Cleanse your heart daily with forgiveness. Avoid jealousy to keep yourself nourished always. Sprinkle yourself with love, it is the sweetest perfume. Wear a smile to give your face a perfect glow. Life is Beautiful. Good Morning/ Night.
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Mary Karr, Author Feb 18
Thinking of the 1st word in the Jewish prayer: Alienu—meaning, ‘It’s up to us,’ as in ‘It’s up to us to fix this broken world.’ The easy fuel for that fix is rage, but the rage eats me up. My tough new fast involves trying fix stuff without a blistering rage at POTUS.
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Mary Karr, Author Feb 21
The towering challenge is to tyranny without cultivating in my pinched little soul a slavering addiction to hate. To face down evil with great love. .
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Rose Delgado 13h
"Remember that one does not win the battle without prayer. ~~~The choice is yours." -St. Padre Pio 🌞
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resplandorEN Feb 24
Love is repaid by love alone...
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Gwen Stefani Feb 24
Eeeeekkk so beautiful wish I could have stayed for mass gx 🙏🏻
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Fr. Travis Feb 24
We are on day 10 of ! How’s it going? Ready to give up yet? Remember, Jesus fell three times. Go easy on yourself, pick yourself back up and start again!
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Christine Feb 22
He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. - Ps 40:2 ♥
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resplandorEN Feb 19
Jesus said to his disciples: this is how you are to pray...
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Gina Marie 5m
40 Days of 40 Notes Day 13 - Write a note to someone you need to forgive.
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Christine Feb 22
I can do all things through which strengtheneth me. - Philippians 4:13 ♥
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Christine Feb 22
But seek ye first , and ; and all these things shall be added unto you. - Matthew 6:19-33 ♥
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Bishop Francis Feb 24
I thank all the organizers, priests, religious, seminarians and lay faithful for the success of our yesterday’s Diocesan Lenten Recollection. We will have this again next year! God be praised and may he bless you and your loved ones.
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☧Sacerdotus™ 2h
We are the Salt of the Earth, so let us give the world hypertension.
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Christine Feb 22
Humble yourselves therefore under the Mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. - 1 Peter 5 :6-7 ♥
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Rose Delgado Feb 24
"He who labors as he prays lifts his heart to GOD with his hands." ---St. Benedict
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Christine Feb 23
By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. - Hebrews 10:10 ♥
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Sara Barton 59m
Lent invites us to trust God's economy more than our own.
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