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Faith and Victory Church Watch Streaming Live Feb 18
How to explain the to today's generation -
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Holy Bible Today 1h
Only God forgives you Only God cares for you Only God is your refuge Only God gives chances Only God blesses you ever Only God wishes your good Only God grants your prayer
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Foursquare FestacDHQ Feb 18
The Fruit of righteousness represents the of the . .
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Holy Bible Today Feb 23
The car The kids The clubs The home The tastes The career The health The wealth The brands The friends The luxuries The business The marriage The education The fine living All will go in a blink.
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Ne' Burrell-Hargett Feb 22
“In the same way the SPIRIT also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should,but the SPIRIT HIMSELF intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words”.Rom8:26(NASB)
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Table Talk Feb 23
Replying to @Table_Talker
Re-running an old now that I have a few more followers! Did the *permanently* *indwell* *all* true believers under the Old Covenant? (Words in asterix are key!) Comments & retweets welcome!
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Dr. Leroy Thompson Feb 18
When the hands of the Lord are upon you you’re in good shape; the spirit of the Lord will lead you. He will take you places that you can’t handle so you have to depend on Him.
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Pastor Marko de la Garza 9h
Afternoon Father..I lift up our group to You this afternoon. Lord l thank You that when we have a need we can pray and cry out to You and You hear our prayers and answer us! Mercy and Grace IJN AMEN
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Holy Bible Today 10h
Nobody can love you like God. Not your parents, not your lover, not your spouse, not your kids, not your siblings, not your best friends, no, no one. His is the voice that whispers to us in silence what is right.
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Holy Bible Today Feb 21
by You are sad You are hurt You are alone You feel guilty You are fearful You are paining You feel helpless You feel cheated You feel hopeless You are depressed You feel like crying That's why He died for you
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Holy Bible Today Feb 23
Jesus is the ultimate example of embracing higher and higher difficulties, finally reaching to the Cross. That is how we too are expected to grow from strength to strength.
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Holy Bible Today Feb 24
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Pastor Marko de la Garza 6h
Evening Thank You Lord! I lift up our group to You. It rains on the just and unjust alike. Your Blessing is coming child of God....keep praying, keep crying out and keep thanking Him! IJN. AMEN
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Almighty God Church Feb 23
Why are so many churches hungry and desolate❓ 🎬
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McCrimmon Publishing Feb 17
, pour forth your sanctifying grace on those preparing this Lenten season for baptism or reception into the Church at . We make our through our Lord.
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Doc Feb 19
God gives us a voice to make an impact on others.
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Holy Bible Today Feb 23
Grace Before Meals: Bless us, O God, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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Almighty God Church Feb 19
The Word of the "Are You a True Believer of God?" "God perfects only those who truly believe in Him, not those who are skeptical of Him, and least of all those who follow Him despite never having believed that He is God."
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PreachTheGospel Feb 25
Matthew 10:19-20 KJV But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
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Holy Bible Today 17h
More people will realize that that every good luck is an undeserved blessing from God.
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