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Jim Sager
God is real! Jesus is LORD! God said,Good News and I received a Good News Bible.
Jim Sager 1 min.
Proverbs19:23 Obey the Lord and you will live a long life, content and safe from harm
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Jim Sager 3 min.
Proverbs19:22 It is a disgrace to be greedy; poor people are better off than liars.
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Jim Sager 5 min.
Proverbs19:21 People may plan all kinds of things, but the Lord's will is going to be done.
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Jim Sager 6 min.
Proverbs19:20If you listen to advice and are willing to learn, one day you will be wise.
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Jim Sager 8 min.
Proverbs19:19 If someone has a hot temper, let him take the consequences. If you get him out of trouble once, you will have to do it again.
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Jim Sager 10 min.
Proverbs19:18Discipline your children while they are young enough to learn. If you don't, you are helping them destroy themselves.
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Jim Sager 12 min.
Proverbs19:17 When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the Lord, and the Lord will pay you back.
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Jim Sager 14 min.
Proverbs19:16 Keep 's laws and you will live longer; if you ignore them, you will die.
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Jim Sager 16 min.
Proverbs19:15 Go ahead and be lazy; sleep on, but you will go hungry.
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Jim Sager 18 min.
Proverbs19:14 A man can inherit a house and money from his parents, but only the Lord can give him a sensible wife.
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Jim Sager 20 min.
Proverbs19:13 Stupid children can bring their parents to ruin. A nagging wife is like water going drip-drip-drip.
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Jim Sager 22 min.
Proverbs19:12 The king's anger is like the roar of a lion, but his favor is like welcome rain.
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Jim Sager 23 min.
Proverbs19:11 If you are sensible, you will control your temper. When someone wrongs you, it is a great virtue to ignore it.
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Jim Sager 25 min.
Proverbs19:10 Fools should not live in luxury, and slaves should not rule over noblemen.
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Jim Sager 27 min.
Proverbs19:9 No one who tells lies in court can escape punishment; he is doomed.
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Jim Sager 29 min.
Proverbs19:8 Do yourself a favor and learn all you can; then remember what you learn and you will prosper.
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Jim Sager 31 min.
Pr19:7Even the relatives of a poor person have no use for him;no wonder he has no friends. No matter how hard he tries,he cannot win any
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Jim Sager 33 min.
Online Evangelism Tactics-A must read for Internet witnessing.
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Jim Sager 35 min.
I get high when I'm down on my knees in prayer.
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Jim Sager 37 min.
Proverbs19:6 Everyone tries to gain the favor of important people; everyone claims the friendship of those who give out favors
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