News February 26
Photo: CPAC/YouTube
Karl Nerenberg | Laxer died on Friday February 23 in Paris. He was a political activist and public intellectual who influenced more than one generation.
Blog February 26
Michael Laxer | Co-founder of the Waffle, academic, writer and politician, Laxer died on February 23 in Paris. He is remembered here by his son, Michael.
Blog February 25
David J. Climenhaga | Regardless of what you have read and heard, Justin Trudeau’s fashion choices abroad will likely do him and his government little harm, if any.
Blog February 25
MINUTAH Headquarters in Port au Prince, Haiti
Yves Engler | Imagine living in a country where the entire social services sector is privatized, run by "charities" that are based in other countries who get to decide whether or not you qualify for assistance.
Blog February 24
The Yukon legislative building
Linda Leon | Linda Leon examines two-round voting as part of a series on electoral reform in the Yukon
Blog February 23
Sheila Watt-Cloutier
Richard Thompson | Watt-Cloutier sees connections between her personal struggles as an Inuk girl and her public leadership decades later, addressing the environmental crises that afflicted her people.
Blog February 23
Image: Council of Canadians
Brent Patterson | #JusticeForTinaFontaine gatherings are taking place today in Ottawa, Toronto and Halifax, on Feb. 24 in Victoria, Vancouver, Montreal, Oriliia and Regina, and on Feb. 25 in Guelph, Calgary and London.
Blog February 23
Image: Marvel studios
Penney Kome | The futuristic Afro-centric film opens public debates and opportunities. Welcome to the gamechanging movie that gently subverts the superhero genre to make it more meaningful.
Blog February 23
Premier Rachel Notley. Photo: Premier of Alberta/flickr
David J. Climenhaga | History repeats itself, so the Wine War may be over, but with underlying disputes unresolved, things could easily segue into another war.
News February 23
York South-Weston NDP delegates with Jagmeet Singh after his conference speech on February 17. Photo: York South-Weston NDP/Twitter
Karl Nerenberg | Justin Trudeau's current troubles should remind NDPers how easy it is in politics to step right into a cow pie.
Blog February 22
Don't Censor Canada.
Marie Aspiazu | Mark the date on your calendars, on February 28 Canadians across the country are coming together to protest Bell coalition's website blocking plan. Here's how you can participate.
News February 22
OCAP action on February 12 at Toronto City Hall. Photo: Errol Young
Yogi Acharya | After a significant victory, advocates are ready to take the fight up a notch