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Murder, she joked: psychologist censured over inappropriate texts

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The boy began thinking about killing people when he was in Year 7.

Five years later, the Year 12 student visited Dr Elise Lowick, a private psychologist on Sydney's north shore, who diagnosed him with major depressive disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder and narcissistic personality traits.

Dr Lowick, a specialist in emerging psychosis, was employed to deliver intense therapy beyond what the boy's school could provide.

But she blurred the boundaries of their relationship in a series of inappropriate text messages that would threaten her professional registration.

"If your [sic] planning on murder, can you come kill the jack hammer guy outside my house” she wrote in one message in early 2016.

In another, Dr Lowick suggested staff and a psychologist at the boy's school "have to say hi so that they seemingly care about your well being."


In another about the boy's school psychologist, she wrote "you could probably play with her head! Ha!"

Dr Lowick told him she had been discussing his case with her family at the dinner table, laughing about his "latest meat meat [sic] trick".

"I'm just teasing you," she wrote in a later message.  Then she apologised after realising "these texts are coming from my daughter's phone", describing it as "a little awkward".

The case was referred to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, which has reprimanded Dr Lowick for falling below the standards of the profession.

The tribunal members said they were "particularly concerned" by the joke message about killing the jackhammer operator.

"The reference to murder, and the suggestion to kill someone, to a 17-year-old patient with homicidal ideation is not appropriate in any circumstances or for any reason," they wrote.

"We find that the sending of this message in and of itself amounts to unsatisfactory professional conduct."

Dr Lowick told the tribunal the message, "in an attempt to use humour, was both in poor taste and in poor clinical judgment”.

The Health Care Complaints Commission submitted Dr Lowick, who is registered to practice as Catherine Elise Denshire, should be found guilty of professional misconduct.

But the tribunal decided the messages did not justify suspension or deregistration. There had been no breach of trust and the messages were sent over about a fortnight, a relatively short period of time.

Ross Menzies, an associate professor at the University of Sydney, described Dr Lowick in a reference as "being among Sydney's most effective child clinical psychologists."

According to her website, she adopts a "warm and empathic approach" and provides supervision for those seeking registration with  NSW's psychology board and the Australian Psychological Society.

Dr Lowick  must now undergo supervision herself, meet with a mentor  and attend a professional boundaries course.