Environment and Energy


The development of Botswana’s economy is largely dependent on the exploitation of resources such as minerals, water, energy, biological resources, range resources and agro-biodiversity. Key economic sectors such as tourism, mining, agriculture are resource-dependent, while the livelihoods of the majority, especially in the rural areas, are largely derived from natural resources. The availability and productivity of these resources, including forests, water, land and wildlife is heavily influenced by climatic conditions.more

Our Support

Our work in Botswana aims at strengthening national capacity to manage the environment in a sustainable manner to advance poverty reduction efforts. Working through various government departments and in partnership with other stakeholders, we support capacity building initiatives that see to integrate environmental considerations into development plans and strategies, secure resources, and implement programmes to support sustainable, low-carbon, climate-resilient development pathways. more

The Okavango Delta-Botswana

The Okavango Delta is one of the world's largest and most intact inland wetland ecosystems. Situated deep within the Kalahari Basin, it is often referred to as the ‘jewel’ of the Kalahari. The Delta region of the Okavango can vary in size from 15 000 square kilometres during drier periods to a staggering 22 000 square kilometres during wetter periods. (Photo, GoB)http://okavangodata.ub.bw/ori/

Our Stories

Botswana is already prone to drought; climate change is likely to worsen the situation, resulting in reduced pasture available for more the more than 3 million herds of cattle in the country.
Botswana embarks on ambitious plan to tackle climate change

Climate change is already being attributed to a number of changes in Botswana, including longer drought episodes, changes in rainfall patterns, outbreaks of crop diseases that affect the most important sector to rural households and subsistence agriculture. At a national level, Botswana is experiencing significant water shortages, resulting in dependence on its neighboring countries for inter-basin water transfers to augments its domestic supplymore 

Birds are important for monitoring the state of the environment and changes in biodiversity trends and so are an important indicators for conservation. (Photo, GoB)
UNDP support influences policy on management of protected areas in Botswana

Until recently, the Southern Sua Pan, an important breeding site for the Lesser flamingo, an endangered bird species in the Makgadikgadi wetland system was like any part of the Botswana’s bird sanctuaries – not protected by law and accessible to allmore 

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Projects and Initiatives

  • Renewable Energy Rural Electrification Programme for Botswana

    The project is aimed at increasing the use of solar energy through the provision of solar home systems for cooking and lighting in a number of rural villages in Botswana. Implementation of this project also resulted in the development a mobile mini-grid in the village of Sekhutlane in sothern Botswana. This project is also known as the Solar PV Projectmore 

  • Preparation of National Climate Change Status Report

    The project is aimed at preparing Botswana's Second National Communication (SNC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)more 

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