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You should aim for 2.5 hours per week of physical activity that gets your heart pumping and leaves you a little breathless. Sometimes that means just dancing! Learn how physical activity benefits your :
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Herbalife Feb 18
❤️ Get active for at least 30 minutes every day ❤️ Maintain a healthy weight ❤️ Eat a nutrient-rich diet More tips:
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Harvard Health Feb 23
Is red wine actually good for your heart? Unfortunately, supporting evidence is pretty weak.
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UMiami Health System 23m
3 out of 4 children may have high blood pressure & not know it, our pediatric cardiologist explains.
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Viet Le MPAS PA-C, AACC 2h
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#DigitalHealth 🌐 Feb 26
Doctors could monitor patients health remotely with adhesive sensors.
Reply Retweet Like 11h
Embracing a healthy lifestyle at any age can prevent heart disease and lower your risk for a heart attack or stroke. Find out how. 💗
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City of Takoma Park 2h
We jumped on board the "love train" to promote . We're challenging to do the same! Will you join us?
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TheChronicLifeDiet🥕 Feb 23
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Jennifer Beals Feb 25
My action today? 20 mins on the bike, light weights, yoga and filling up on Love. What did you do for your heart today? ❤️
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Wild Blueberries Feb 21
Why Purple foods? --> contain . They play an important role in helping reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), cognitive decline, and cancer.
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Are you struggling to incorporate more into your daily life? Try making small changes, like taking the stairs instead of riding the elevator. It could have big impacts on your :
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Michael Greger, M.D. Feb 24
Could donating blood help prevent heart disease?
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Community Health Tms Feb 26
Our programs can help with many different chronic conditions. Take Charge of Your Stress, for example, can be helpful with !
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Kristie Leong M.D. Feb 23
A study in the journal Circulation Heart Failure found that eating 2 servings of dark weekly was linked w/ a 32% lower risk of heart failure. Look for a cacao content of at least 70%.
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Healthy Gen 8h
Smoking e-cigarettes daily doubles risk of heart attacks. When combined with daily cigarette use, heart attack risk rises five-fold, study finds:
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Cristopher Bragg 22h
Definitely agree - as a scientist and as a SCAD patient family member. Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a difficult and scary condition, and lots of physicians fail to recognize it properly.
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Florida Hospital 3h
Is it a , or ? The symptoms can be confusing!
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DietDetectiveRD Feb 21
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Alex Azar Feb 23
Today, I happily accepted 's challenge, which shines light on the important issue of . To every American, I challenge you to join me and "Move With Heart!"
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