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Dr. Brad Johnson Jun 4
Already at half way point!!! everyone stand up and do 5 squats!!! get your blood flowing right now too!!!
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Jay Billy Jun 4
A1: Movement helps the blood flow and helps you to think better. We know that exercise and movement helps us in our studies
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Bret Gosselin Jun 4
Restructure your room so Ss HAVE to get up and move to learn-Kids choose where they want to go, how they learn and then move on
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Dr. Brad Johnson Jun 4
the classroom needs to be redisgned. tables with stability balls, bosu balls, mats, stand up desks, etc!
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Spiri Howard Jun 4
Use technology to promote movement
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Brant Nyberg Jun 11
I see what you did there... The perfect way to exit :)
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Dr. Brad Johnson Jun 4
A1 why exercise is important
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Rinard Pugh🖍 Jun 4
Our 2nd graders recently enjoyed a GoNoodle (Glow Noodle) party for reaching their reading goals
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Dr. Brad Johnson Jun 4
A3 My research shows students with weak core and lacking balance fatigue quickly, lose focus, & are likely to be off task
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Dr. Brad Johnson Jun 4
Remember increasing physical activity decrease obesity, ADD & ADHD, off task behavior, & increases focus, health & Achievement
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Jay Billy Jun 4
A1: As Mister Rogers once said, "Play is the work of childhood"
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Lori Vandeborne Jun 4
GOAL: To do cardio everyday this week before I go to work to help me feel healthier & get my focus back to a positive mindset.
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Alana Stanton Jun 4
Yes daydreaming happens naturally when we don't let them have this movement time
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Spiri Howard Jun 4
Grow your See you next week! Have a great night!
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Dr. Ryan B. Jackson Jun 4
A1: Physical fitness is cognitive candy, w/ the rush of blood increasing vascularity sending increased oxygen to the brain.
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Todd Russo Jun 4
A3: just like the adults...sitting makes us feel sleepy and sluggish. No blood flow means little ability to think hard!
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Curtis Slater Jun 4
Gang hope you can join us after your chat at :00 CST around Personal PD that makes a difference.
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Jerrica Alligood Jun 4
Goal: To get some kind of exercise each day even if it's just 20 mins of yoga in the morning
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Robert Ward Jun 4
A3 Brain breaks, up and stretch sessions, & changes of seat partners all supply oxygen to the brain. Refresh & refocus!
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Lori Vandeborne 3h
Great run but unfortunately I didn't beat the sun! It's hot outside!
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