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"The doctor of the future will give no medication..."
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Stephanie Sarra 24h
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone
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Sian Pritchard Jul 30
Balance so important in preventing injury in the ageing population
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Elizabeth Munoz, RD Jul 29
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Yuri Uchino Jul 29
If we use to ,it will be possible to halt the increase in national medical expenditures. 35
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Yuri Uchino Jul 29
It is necessary to offer incentives to medical institutions to promote . 35
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Christopher Khoury Jul 29
and offer an investor's cautionary note on , , and .
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Pat Salber MD, MBA Jul 28
Surgeon General is certain that priority #1 is .
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YYC Health Nut Jul 28
Lack of exercise costs $67.5B annually: study
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CHPDP Jul 27
Easy ways to get some physical activity in!
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the energy bar Jul 27
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Shane M Hanlon Jul 27
First evidence that GM mosquitoes reduce disease
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Surface Shield Jul 26
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Macrogen Clinical Jul 25
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Ashley Hendrix Jul 24
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claire Jul 22
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Joby Otero Jul 21
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Edge of Humanity Mag Jul 20
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Inessa Samusenko Jul 20
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