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Brain World Magazine Feb 1
Your gray matter gets so good at doing your daily routine that it barely has to work at it. So, you have to go above and beyond your everyday activities to stimulate it. Here are 12 ways to keep your fit.
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Lori Shemek, PhD Feb 6
Did You Know? Exercise helps resist brain shrinkage and increase cognitive abilities by promoting neurogenesis, = your brain's ability to adapt and grow new brain cells.
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Mindfulness Wellness Feb 2
The best and worst foods .. for a healthy brain
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David Nico Feb 6
There's even more evidence that one type of is the closest thing to a miracle drug that we have:
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MentalHealthChannel 12h
Yoga and Boosts Executive Brain Function, by
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Shelley Sharer 5h
I always believed good physical started with first making good nutritional choices. This is really important new information that physical exercise also promotes increased cognitive abilities! I love motivation and reasons to exercise that are so exciting!!
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Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation 13h
If You're Waking Up in the Middle of the Night, Your May Be at Risk
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Michelle Durham 9h
Delighted to be invited to speak at the in Donnybrook this evening. is on the menu 😊
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Lori Shemek, PhD Feb 6
How can Ketones benefit you? Check out this short video: For more info just ask me or take a look here:
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Jermichael Finley 11h
You can be cool doing neurofeedback . Putting in work
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Wendi Irlbeck, MS Feb 6
Exercise is more than an activity to facilitate . 🚴Benefits & : •⬇Stress &⬆mental health •↗Neurotransmitter production •↗Memory, concentration & creativity •Delay cognitive↘ & onset of dementia 💡There is a strong🔗between exercise & mood.
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Chaseitstraight 14h
Do you know what happens to the on ? read my latest post!
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Tara Reed Feb 7
Brain "switch" that regulates energy expenditure and fat production uncovered
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kayleigh laselva 7h
My brain is a confusing thing. I can remember 57 passwords, my credit card numbers, mine and my husband’s social security numbers along with every lyric to songs I loved in middle school but i can’t remember why I walked into a room.
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Tara Reed Feb 6
Cognitive Cross Training Enhances Learning
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KathleenSteamer 13h
Absolutely Christopher Chaney @ChaneySpeak! Thank you for the good news!
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Smart Drug Smarts 2h
Meditation Could Help Treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder In Military via
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russpierson 26m
9 Brain Exercises that are Guaranteed to Supercharge your Mind
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Peter Fairbrother Feb 7
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Nathan Freeburg 12h
Here's What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate
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