Stop the Wall

The Stop the Wall Campaign’s aim to tear down the Wall is aligned with the Palestinian desire for liberation—for those of us inside and in exile, the young and old, those who have died, and those yet to be born.

We are a grassroots movement uniting the struggle of the popular committees in the villages, refugee camps and cities struggling against the Wall and the settlements and the efforts of Palestinian civil society.  

Our call is to:

  • Stop the Wall
  • Dismantle parts already built
  • Return all lands confiscated for the Wall
  • Compensate for all losses.

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#WorldwithoutWalls on its way....

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The Latest From Palestine

Saturday, February 3, a Palestinian coalition started ‘Here we remain’ a new campaign against the Occupation in the West Bank. Activists from the Land Defense Coalition, in particular members of the Stop the Wall Campaign, Farmers Union, Jordan Valley Solidarity and the Palestine Youth Forum, gathered in the Village of Al Aqaba to start the planting of 13 000 olive trees.

Yesterday, friends and relatives of Ahed Tamimi celebrated her 17 birthday in the Village of Nabi Saleh, West Bank. The family opened the house for friends, activist and also for the press. A cake with a photo of the young activist was distributed while kids played on the yard. The young activist was supposed to be put on trial on same day as her birthday but Ofar’s Military Court postponed the decision to 6 February.

Last Sunday, members of the Palestinian Agriculture Society in Jericho gathered together with the local community to plant trees in An Nuweim, in the Jordan Valley. The objective of the action was to ensure the use of land and with this to prevent it from being taken over by the settlers and eventually confiscated by the Israeli authorities. This is part of the joint effort of the Stop the Wall Campaign, the Land Defense Coalition and the Popular Council for the Protection of the Jordan Valley to plant 13 thousand trees this year to protect the land.

Israeli repression brings with it bitter-sweet moments of joy – the moment the community can welcome home an activist after imprisonment. Today, Stop the Wall was able to welcome one of the Palestinian prisoners back home after 18 months of jail.


Today, some 1000 people gathered in Nabi Saleh in support of the popular struggle of the village and to ask for the release of its prisoners, in particular 17 year old Ahed Tamimi, who has been taken to prison with her mother after a video that showed her a slapping a fully armed Israeli soldier went viral.

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New Resources

India is since long the globe's largest importer of Israeli military technology. A newly updated report on Indo-Israeli growing military relations sheds light on the extent of relations between both states. 

It analysis as well the various sectors of military and homeland security impacted by the deals as well as the more hidden realities of corruption scandals, technical failures and the risk of loss of national sovereignty for India. 

To download the full report, click here. 

- Hundreds of movements from over 30 countries of all continents have come together today, November 9, in a pledge to build together a #WorldwithoutWalls.

- Actions are taking place in Palestine, Mexico, Berlin, Northern Ireland and from Brazil’s favelas to New York

- People demand an end to Walls in Palestine and around the globe, an end to militarization of borders, repression in societies and corporate impunity

- See the video here.


Here you find a list of some highlights among the global actions that during the days of the November 9 are building a #WorldwithoutWalls. Dozens of inspiring actions from north to south, from east to west have been planned: workshops, rallies, encounters, debates, exhibits, protests, video screenings and much more....