Left Q/A

Monthly panels/talks aimed at enhancing dialogue and debate on the left in Melbourne.

Event Details:

Generally held on the 1st Thursday of the month (unless otherwise stated – see dates below), 7pm at the Bella Union Bar, 54 Victoria St, Carlton (upstairs, Trades Hall). Admission for events is $5 for NIBS members and $7 for non-members.

Upcoming Events:

 February 23rd, 2017

Topic: Rethinking socialism for sustainability

Increasing numbers of people agree that capitalism can’t solve our environmental challenges. Many argue that this constitutes a powerful case for reconsider socialism. But, if so, how does socialism need to be rethought and re-envisioned in light of these same challenges? Come listen and interact with two leading thinkers in this space, Hans Baer and Terry Leahy, discuss their ideas.

Speakers: Hans Baer (Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Social Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne) & Terry Leahy (lecturer in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Newcastle, Australia)


Book Now Here

March 2nd, 2017

Topic: What does Left and Right mean when cooperation is required to fix the planet?

We are facing a fundamental change in the way we need to see the world as humans.  Up till about 100 years ago the planet was relatively empty of humans and competitive systems of politics and economics were an effective, if at times wasteful, way to colonise all parts of the planet.  The planet is now full and so the competition between, left and right, conservative and liberal, communist and capitalist and within all the global markets has run into limits.  What are these limits and how do we organise to live within them?

Speaker: Steb Fisher (Honorary Research Fellow, Federation University Australia)


April 6th, 2017

Book Talk: The history of protest in Australia

Speaker: Clive Hamilton (Professor of Public Ethics at Charles Sturt University in Canberra)


May 4th, 2017:

Book Talk: Class Choreographies: Elite schooling and globalisation

Speaker: Jane Kenway (Professorial Fellow with the Australian Research Council, Monash University)


June 1st 2017:

Topic: Indigenous economic development (Exact Topic TBC)

Speaker: Jon Altman ( Research professor at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University)
