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The science and tech that will shape our future
Futurism 1h
It's a sure path to earning your first million.
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Futurism 2h
The effort may be futile, but Democrats see the fight as having lasting political value.
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Futurism 2h
Merging the human brain with technology doesn't have to be invasive.
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Futurism 3h
It's a Las Vegas secret.
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Futurism 4h
CIMON will help astronauts perform experiments, and offer insights into social dynamics.
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Futurism 5h
Waymo wants you to understand what its cars are seeing while on the road.
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Futurism 5h
Without electricity, this wheel pumps thousands of gallons water a day.
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Futurism 6h
Shocker: people are worried about conflicts of interest.
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Futurism 6h
“It’s unlikely we’ll be able to see any earlier into the history of stars in our lifetime.”
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Futurism 6h
A cloned pupper might make you feel that 'Happy Days Are Here Again.' Or maybe not.
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Futurism 6h
How these pests crossed continents is still a mystery.
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Futurism 7h
The quantum world is complex, but machine learning can help simplify it.
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Futurism 8h
Climate change predictions are headed to the private sector.
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Futurism 9h
A year after announcing the plan, Tesla is finally working on Gigafactory 1's rooftop solar array.
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Futurism 9h
The SLS may be more powerful, but is it worth the cost?
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Futurism 10h
Researchers say it's all part of Russia's plan to expand its agricultural sector.
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Futurism 10h
Researchers created a walk profile for each user’s unique walk.
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Futurism 11h
Obama worried aloud that Americans are increasingly living in “entirely different realities.”
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Futurism 11h
The pitch: "Just-in-time degradability."
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Futurism 12h
"And they'll be out by next week."
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