
Westfield suitor Unibail forced to admit it may increase its bid

Westfield's French suitor Unibail-Rodamco has been forced to admit it may increase its $30 billion bid for the mall landlord despite its tough talk earlier this week that it would not budge on the deal.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission made urgent contact with the French retail landlord to clarify if public statements made by the company's chief executive Christophe Cuvillier meant the company's scrip and cash bid for Westfield was a 'final offer'.

Christophe Cuvillier, the CEO of Unibail-Rodamco, who is in Australia seeing investors.

Christophe Cuvillier, the CEO of Unibail-Rodamco, who is in Australia seeing investors.

Photo: Peter Braig

On Tuesday, Mr Cuvillier told members of the press the French giant would "not move the offer price", adding that he thought the price was "full and fair".

Fairfax Media understands Unibail was very quick to respond to the Australian regulator to make assurances it was not a declaration that its offer was full and final.

Under Australian takeover provisions, a declaration of a full and final offer means the bid can no longer be increased. Such a move generally opens the door to a rival bidder.


According to ASIC's regulatory guide for "Takeovers: false and misleading statements", which states: "A market participant cannot depart from a last and final statement unless it has expressly reserved the right to do so by attaching a qualification."

Last night, Unibail qualified the statements of Mr Cuvillier, saying: "Unibail-Rodamco has no intention to change the terms of the offer nor does it see any reason why it may do so in the future, but it does of course reserve the right to do so."

The need to increase the bid has been keenly felt since severe currency swings and a 40 euro drop in Unibail's share price in recent weeks have wiped $2.5 billion from the Australian dollar value of the bid. The drop in value has opened the door to possible interlopers, according to analysts from Macquarie and Citi.

Westfield's investors are now firmly in two camps -- those who believe they should get more for their Westfield shares and those who doubt whether Unibail's own shareholders would support a larger bid considering the company's gearing and lack of balance sheet capacity to up the bid.

Under the deal that has been supported by Westfield founder Frank Lowy, Westfield shareholders will receive 0.01844 Unibail shares and $US2.67 for every Westfield share they hold.

Westfield chairman Frank Lowy supports Unibail's bid.

Westfield chairman Frank Lowy supports Unibail's bid.

Photo: Nic Walker

Highly regarded fund manager, Andrew Parsons of Resolution Capital, confirmed he held shares in both Westfield and Unibail.

When asked if he thought Unibail should increase its offer, Mr Parsons said: "We are considering our options."

Some investors are also concerned about Unibail's ability to up its bid.

"They had gearing at the top of their range at around 39 or 40 per cent and they're already planning to issue a lot of shares, the only way to up the bid would be to bring in third party capital and Unibail does not like doing deals with third party capital," one large Westfield fund manager, who declined to be named, said.

"Sure, I would like more cash. Who wouldn't? But you have to look at the reality of Unibail's situation. I'm not sure their shareholders will back a higher deal and I just can't see an interloper coming in."

Another major fund manager, who also declined to be named, said most major investors were waiting for the release of the full details of the deal before making a firm decision on what to do.

Phoenix Portfolios fund manager Stuart Cartledge said it was still early days. "I'd like a higher price. Do I think that will eventuate? I don't know," he said.

Sarah Danckert

Sarah is a business courts reporter based in Melbourne.

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