
RBA keeping close eye on 'pockets' of mortgage stress

The Reserve Bank says there are "pockets" of financial stress among the highly-indebted household sector, and it is closely watching how customers with interest-only loans manage when they are required to start paying back principal over the coming years.

The central bank's assistant governor for the financial system, Michele Bullock, on Tuesday played down the threat to the banking system from high housing debt, saying the risks to financial stability from mortgage debt were "not particularly acute."

Assistant governor of the Reserve Bank, Michele Bullock, said there were "pockets" of financial stress among indebted households.

Assistant governor of the Reserve Bank, Michele Bullock, said there were "pockets" of financial stress among indebted households.

Photo: Janie Barrett

Even so, she signalled the central bank was closely monitoring key risks on the horizon from interest-only customers, many of whom could face an increase in their loan repayments over the next few years.

Ms Bullock told a conference in Sydney data being watched by the RBA suggested mortgage stress overall was "relatively low," but there were key risks it was watching closely.


"Household debt levels remained elevated and members agreed that household balance sheets still warranted careful monitoring," the board said in the minutes of its February board meeting, also released on Tuesday, adding it was monitoring the decline in house prices in Sydney and the "considerable slowdown" in growth in Melbourne.

Parts of the country where more borrowers are struggling with their debts include parts of Queensland and Western Australia, where banks have in recent years reported rising charges for bad debts in their mortgage portfolios.

Ms Bullock said this trend was "not unexpected" given job losses in these states in recent years, but overall stress among owner-occupiers was "not currently growing rapidly".


"The historically high levels of mortgage debt in Australia raises questions about the resilience of household balance sheets to a change in circumstances and the ability of the financial system to absorb a widespread increase in household financial stress," she said.

"The information we have suggests that, while there are some pockets of financial stress, the overall level of stress among mortgaged households remains relatively low."

Among property investors, Ms Bullock signalled a key issue being watched was how interest-only customers managed over the next few years, when the interest-only period on "a large proportion" of these loans expired.

Ms Bullock said some of these customers would be able to move to paying off principal as well as interest, and others would seek to extend their interest-free period, but a third group could face "financial stress."

"There may, however, be some borrowers that do not meet current lending standards for extending their interest-only repayments but would find the step-up to principal and interest repayments difficult to manage. This third group might find themselves in some financial stress," she said.

"While we think this is a relatively small proportion of borrowers, it will be an area to watch," Ms Bullock said.

Despite some private sector surveys pointing to recent growth in mortgage stress, Ms Bullock suggested more comprehensive data studied by the RBA did not necessarily support this finding.


Figures from the 2016  Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA), a key data source, showed the median ratio of mortgage interest payments to income has been "fairly stable", at 20 per cent. Three quarters of owner-occupiers had mortgage payments of 30 per cent or less of income, she said.

The latest census also showed the share of people with interest payments of 30 per cent of income or more had fallen from 28 per cent in 2011 to 20 per cent in 2016, likely due to falling interest rates.

She noted some other private surveys suggested mortgage stress had been rising in recent years, but said it was "a little difficult to reconcile their findings" with other closely watched data.

Fuelling the RBA's concerns over high levels of debt is the anaemic level of wage growth, which could come to a head when the board eventually does decide to raise interest rates from the record low of 1.5 per cent.

The board suggested current workplace negotiations, with wage rises of 2.5 per cent or under, may not be helping the return to normal levels of growth.

"Growth in the wage price index in the September quarter had been weaker than expected and wage growth outcomes associated with new enterprise agreements had been lower than the percentage increases incorporated in agreements they were replacing," the board said.

"This would affect aggregate wage growth over the forecast period, given that new enterprise agreements had an average term of around three years."

The market is pencilling in a wage price index rise of 2 per cent when the Australian Bureau of Statistics releases its latest figures on Wednesday, barely scraping above annual inflation at 1.9 per cent.

Clancy Yeates

Clancy Yeates writes on business specialising in financial services. Clancy is based in our Sydney newsroom.

Eryk Bagshaw

Eryk Bagshaw is an economics reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based in Parliament House

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