
CBA denies most of Austrac's latest claims, rejects shareholder action

The Commonwealth Bank has signalled it will challenge most of the additional claims made against it by Austrac late last year, when the regulator expanded its case alleging mass breaches of anti-money laundering and terrorism financing laws.

Also on Friday, the bank revealed new details of high-level meetings between the financial intelligence agency and senior CBA leaders including chairman Catherine Livingstone and chief executive Ian Narev five months before Austrac launched its explosive case against the bank.

CBA admitted to some of Austrac's extra claims, but denied the majority.

CBA admitted to some of Austrac's extra claims, but denied the majority.

Photo: Supplied

Austrac in December hit CBA with 100 new allegations regarding its monitoring of criminal gangs and in one case, a convicted terrorist, which were in addition to the initial claims it made in August. On Friday, CBA denied 89 of these extra claims, and admitted to 11.

Amid the many details in its amended defence, the bank said "human error" was to blame for its delay in alerting the regulator to a suspicious request last year to move $5,000 to Lebanon, requested by a convicted terrorist based in the country.

Since August, CBA has been embroiled in scandal after Austrac accused it of repeatedly failing to report suspicious cash transactions through its ATMs being made by criminals.


The additional allegations from Austrac in December included claims that the bank failed to properly conduct due diligence on customers, and that it failed to properly lodge "suspicious matter reports" (SMRs) to Austrac.

One of the allegations made by Austrac in December was that a convicted terrorist and CBA customer was last year repeatedly attempting to transfer $5000 to a an account in Lebanon.

Although the transaction was ultimately blocked, Austrac alleged CBA did not lodge a "suspect transaction report" within the required timeframe. In its defence, CBA said the staff member who made the error received "formal disciplinary measures" from the bank for the mistake.


Under its updated defence, CBA now admits there were 98 instances where the bank made "errors" in relation to SMRs, either filing them late, or not filing them at all, and 56 breaches relating to its obligations to conduct due diligence on customers.

CBA also admits it failed to file 53,506 reports about cash deposits above $10,0oo, known as threshold transaction reports, within the required time frame. However, it says these should be treated as one breach, because they were caused by the same coding error.

High-level meetings

The news that Austrac was taking action against CBA last August triggered a sharp slide in the bank's share price, which last year triggered legal action led by Maurice Blackburn, billed as potentially the largest shareholder action in Australian history.

CBA defence against the class action revealed fresh details of high-level meetings between Austrac and bank leaders, including when Ms Livingstone and Mr Narev met with the Austrac CEO on March 21.

It said that "at no stage" before its case against CBA was filed in August did Austrac give details about any intended legal action against the bank.

"We consider that we have complied with our continuous disclosure obligations at all times. There was no price sensitive information about the matters raised in the Austrac proceeding that required disclosure," CBA said.

Andrew Watson, national head of class actions at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, said he was still considering CBA's defence, but nothing in the document changed its view that CBA was aware of "serious failings" in its compliance and it "failed to inform the market in a timely fashion”.
Clancy Yeates

Clancy Yeates writes on business specialising in financial services. Clancy is based in our Sydney newsroom.

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