Work in Progress

Are you a workplace prisoner?

Are you a workplace prisoner?

The warning signs are feeling unmotivated, disengaged, negative about your employer, and powerless to do anything about it.

  • by James Adonis


What psychopaths and narcissists have in common

What psychopaths and narcissists have in common

The toxic traits that unite the darkest personality types.

  • by James Adonis
Canadian sex worker survey reveals body of entrepreneurs
Work in Progress

Canadian sex worker survey reveals body of entrepreneurs

Illuminating the darkened world of sex work.

  • by James Adonis
The two types of 'cool' people at work
Work in Progress

The two types of 'cool' people at work

Being cool is a complicated ideal to chase as attainment is in the eye of the beholder.

  • by James Adonis
Play at work: for it or against it?
Work in Progress

Play at work: for it or against it?

Creating a play-friendly workplace necessitates more than just, say, a table tennis set and a putt-putt mat.

  • by James Adonis
Are pregnant employees an inconvenience?
Work in Progress

Are pregnant employees an inconvenience?

Maybe baby syndrome occurs when decision-makers consider it a disadvantage if a female is likely to become pregnant.

  • by James Adonis
The problem with the entrepreneurial dream
Work in Progress

The problem with the entrepreneurial dream

The vision of many millions of dollars, long holidays and freedom to choose your own hours might just be wishful thinking.

  • by James Adonis
How resumés and cover letters fool you
Work in Progress

How resumés and cover letters fool you

The eight impression-management tactics people most frequently adopt.

  • by James Adonis
'Tis the season … for shame and guilt?
Work in Progress

'Tis the season … for shame and guilt?

Moral self-awareness is said to be present when you're conscious of the impact your actions have on society.

  • by James Adonis
Is Botox good for your career?
Work in Progress

Is Botox good for your career?

Even though I haven't made an appointment with a cosmetic therapist, it's no longer something I would ever rule out.

  • by James Adonis
The dark side of optimism
Work in Progress

The dark side of optimism

One of the most trying things about a cancer diagnosis isn't, surprisingly, the cancer.

  • by James Adonis