
Why business has a trust problem

There are three interpretations of recent data on public trust in Australian institutions.

First, that community trust in our large organisations is beyond repair. Australia’s trust index is just a touch higher than Russia’s, the latest Edelman Trust Barometer shows. We rank in the bottom third globally, trailing Colombia, Indonesia, Turkey and Mexico.

The banking royal commission shows problems with a lack of trust.

The banking royal commission shows problems with a lack of trust.

Years of hard work to improve corporate social responsibility is barely registering in the community. Corporate scandals, government incompetence, charity fraud and media beat-ups have rocked public trust. The best that can be said is trust in institutions is shamefully low in most developed nations.

The second interpretation is that trust is shifting from institutions to individuals. We don’t trust big companies but might trust their CEO or chairmen if they appear authentic and insightful, and consider communities, not just shareholders, in decision-making. Leaders who are willing in engage in a national debate, such as marriage equality, and stand up for their beliefs.

More CEOs, like Qantas' Alan Joyce, are speaking out on their beliefs.

More CEOs, like Qantas' Alan Joyce, are speaking out on their beliefs.


The past three Edelman surveys have shown a moderate trust shift from institutions to individuals, albeit of a low base. That probably explains more why CEOs and chairmen are speaking up; their spin-doctors have told them trust is increasingly based on individuals, so they need to be seen and heard more often on social issues.

My third interpretation is that organisations have an antiquated view of trust. They confuse trust and reputation, or view trust as mostly a corporate social responsibility matter.

Sadly, too many organisations still do what they can get away with legally rather than what is right; try to hide bad news when it always gets out in a social media world; or put corporate spin on bad behaviour when technology makes it harder to tell lies.

Worse, they don’t understand that trust is oxygen in the digital economy. Without trust, we stop allowing companies into our personal life in a way that is unprecedented in human history.

For example, we let providers of fitness gadgets track our every heartbeat and minute of sleep. Some let telcos track their every footstep via a smartphone. Streaming entertainment services suggest what we should watch or listen to, and food-ordering platforms recommend what to eat.

As the internet of things connects more household devices, companies will know how many cups of coffee we consume daily, how long we toast our bread, the length of our shower and how many times the fridge door is opened.

Ironically, as we trust large organisations less than ever, we are letting them into our personal life in ways unimaginable. Who would have thought we’d let a giant US company track our sleep or an App maker track our kids’ whereabouts on the way to school? Or let search engines analyse our online family photos and other personal data.

All of this is fuelled by trust. We provide data to trusted companies and allow them to make money from it because their innovations make our lives easier. We trust those companies to protect our data, use it ethically, build a more personalised relationship with us, and share the gains between the organisation, consumers and the community.

Conversely, we are reluctant to give data to big banks because they have shown repeatedly that they cannot be trusted. We are reluctant to pay for news because we suspect some of it is fake or clickbait. We resist letting governments further into our personal lives via technology because we don’t trust politicians to put community interests ahead of their own.

Organisations that have low public trust in the community are not just killing their chances in the real economy, through extra government intervention and regulation. Think of the banks and how costly new regulations will impact their profitability.

The loss of a “social licence to operate” in the digital economy is potentially more damaging than the loss of a social licence to operate in the real economy.

Trust is a leading indicator; reputation is a lagging one. Consumers allow organisations they trust to take risks, experiment and move into new markets. They tolerate occasional stuff-ups because they know the organisation does the right thing, even when it is inconvenient.

In industrial revolution 4.0, when artificial intelligence and automation transforms markets, organisations will need to move faster than ever. Without trust, they will gasp for air, unable to shift quickly enough to digital markets. Shareholders and stakeholders will resist following them into the unknown.

Surely, it’s time for trust to be thought of as a core competency in organisations and business leaders, a fundamental part of business models and strategy, and a hard performance metric that is publicly compared across organisations and industry. Not some wishy-washy, feel-good thing measured by annual surveys based on sample results.

We need CEOs who are skilled in building public trust. Also, company directors who can enhance public trust in their organisation through good governance and visibly holding reckless executive behaviour to account. We need more charities that are ruthlessly transparent and accountable to donors.  And at least a few politicians who are bold enough to focus on policy rather than personality, and performance over public relations.

Most of all, we need companies that have real conversations with communities, not just investors. Companies that are willing to put the needs of stakeholders (that is, us) ahead of shareholders if it’s the right thing to do. And respectfully listen to stakeholders, not just try to baffle them with jargon or corporate spin.

Do not read this as some left-leaning plea for organisations to do the right thing. This is about money. As technology allows companies to be with customers 24/7, the ability to exploit new markets, while achieving a genuine social purpose, has never been greater.

Only a fool would trust our organisations to see the opportunity before them.

Tony Featherstone

Tony Featherstone writes on Personal Finance specialising in Superannuation & SMSFs, Specialist Investments.

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