
Putting small business on the agenda

My office has mapped out an ambitious program for 2018, to elevate small business issues on the national policy agenda.

We’re going to be doing work on government procurement and access to justice, and we will continue to work on payment times, red-tape reduction and simplified workplace relations.

We are also keeping a close eye on the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, to ensure past cases where small businesses have been unfairly treated are properly examined.

Our Small Business Loans Inquiry last year heard cases that showed banks employed systematic poor and unreasonable behaviour to default some small business loans. The power imbalance meant small businesses were often denied access to justice.

Kate Carnell has a lot on her agenda for 2018.

Kate Carnell has a lot on her agenda for 2018.

Photo: Jessica Hromas

In Australia, about $100 billion is spent annually on procurement by federal, state and local government. The percentage of small businesses securing these contracts has been steadily declining over the past three years and we need to do something about that.

It is really important that small businesses get their fair share of government work. We believe that 30 per cent of the total value of government procurement is a reasonable target, which is similar to the UK target.

We also want prime government contractors to ensure payment terms and conditions for subcontractors – usually small to medium businesses – are in line with the terms and conditions in the head contract. We have a National Payment Transparency Register on our website where businesses voluntarily list their payment times, to promote their commitment to good payment-time practices.

A big piece of work for the office this year is the inquiry into access to justice for small business. Dispute resolution via the court system is costly and time consuming, and consumer protections don’t always apply to small business.

Our inquiry will examine the prevalence, nature, pattern and trends of small business disputes. We want to understand the level of awareness of the options and support available to them, and the actions taken when faced with a dispute.

We aim to release a report on our findings by the middle of the year, which will include an overview of our research and recommendations on policy options.

Our work on red-tape reduction will continue this year, particularly around streamlined registration requirements for small business and digital transformation, as will our push for simplified workplace relations.

Reflecting on this, we have a busy year ahead, working to make it easier for small businesses and family enterprises to grow and employ.

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