
ATO targets cash-only hair and beauty businesses

Every year, the Australian Tax Office focuses resources on certain sectors of the economy that are seen as hotbeds of tax non-compliance.

This year, driven by a push from government to bring in extra tax dollars, the ATO has set its sights on the cash economy, and the hair and beauty sector has been earmarked for particularly close attention.

The ATO has hairdressers and beauty businesses in its sights.

The ATO has hairdressers and beauty businesses in its sights.

Photo: Danielle Smith

Why does the ATO have a problem with the cash economy?

Quite simply, in this day and age, when the use of debit and credit cards is ubiquitous, the ATO regards cash-only businesses as having only one reason to exist from an economic perspective and that is as a way of avoiding tax.

So although it isn’t illegal to operate a cash-only business, the ATO consistently finds under-reporting of takings, leading to failure to pay the right amount of income tax and GST. In addition, cash-only businesses often fail to account for tax and superannuation properly on their employees' wages.


The problem is regarded as particularly acute among hair and beauty businesses because about  58 per cent are cash only and the industry has the third highest number of reports about potential tax evasion.

How does the ATO know whether I’m reporting my taxes correctly?

The ATO has an arsenal of compliance tools that it routinely uses to monitor cash-only businesses. At its simplest, that could mean unannounced visits from tax auditors. At the more sophisticated end of the spectrum, the ATO may be obtaining data about your business from suppliers, which it can use to calculate (based on your purchases of hair and beauty products) what your turnover should be. By matching that figure with your actual turnover based on your income tax and GST reporting, the ATO can spot discrepancies for further investigation.

H&R Block's Mark Chapman says the ATO will use its small business benchmark to identify businesses using cash.

H&R; Block's Mark Chapman says the ATO will use its small business benchmark to identify businesses using cash.

Photo: Supplied

Small business benchmarking is one of the most commonly used methods to spot businesses that may be avoiding tax. Based on information it collects from every business in Australia, the ATO is able to build a profile of a typical business in any industry in any geographical area, including what the takings, costs, profit margins and profitability should be. So, if your hair salon's figures fall outside the small business benchmark figures for hair salons in your area, you might find the ATO is interested to find out why.

The use of the small business benchmarks has been criticised in the past; they can be a blunt instrument that fails to take into account any number of legitimate reasons why a business might be underperforming, such as family troubles or staffing issues. Nevertheless, they can be highly successful at spotting businesses that are failing to record all their sales; the ATO estimates that 10 per cent of hair and beauty businesses are reporting amounts significantly outside the key small business benchmark ratio for the industry.

The ATO has highlighted some examples where it has successfully identified problems using the techniques outlined above. In one, a nail salon business with a number of outlets was selected when data matching indicated anomalies. Initial investigation confirmed the owner kept incomplete records and declared income that didn’t support the owner’s lifestyle and assets. The ATO uncovered more than $2 million of undeclared income, imposed penalties of more than  $241,000 for reckless behaviour and in total brought in underpaid GST, income tax and penalties of more than $728,000.

What can the ATO do if my business gets it wrong?

In the first instance, you’re likely to be audited by the ATO. That can be a lengthy, time-consuming and stressful process that will distract you from running your business and can require substantial investment in professional help from qualified accountants and lawyers.

At the end of that, if you’ve done the wrong thing, you’ll face a bill for underpaid GST and income tax. In addition, as the example above highlights, you can face stiff penalties of anywhere between 25 and 75 per cent of the underpaid tax, which may increase by 20 per cent if you’re a repeat offender.

What should I do to keep out of trouble?

In the first instance, you should be questioning why you operate on a cash-only basis. As noted above, the ATO has a well-founded suspicion that businesses are run on a cash-only basis to deceive the taxman. If that picture rings a bell for you, you need to expect that the ATO will catch up with you and you should be taking proactive steps to get your taxes in order, including considering making voluntary disclosures of past misdeeds in order to mitigate any penalties.

If, on the other hand, you have good reasons to be cash-only and are confident that everything is in order, you simply need to go through your books and records and make sure that they will stand up to scrutiny. The very fact that you are a cash-only business will put you on the ATO’s radar but if all your takings are properly recorded, you can substantiate all your purchases, and your payments to yourself and your staff are correctly documented and taxed, you should be able to deal quickly and efficiently with any questions that come your way.

Finally, the best advice for any hair and beauty business is to get regular help from your accountant or tax adviser to ensure you stay on the right side of the law.

Mark Chapman is director of tax communications for H&R Block Australia.

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