
Plastic and cigarette butts make up most of debris in waterways

Plastic and cigarette butts make up most of debris in waterways

Up to 1000 pieces of rubbish occupy each kilometre of Australian coastline, statistics from the Australian Marine Debris Initiative Database show.

  • by Sarah Muller


'No coherence': No koala plan in sight a year after submissions closed

'No coherence': No koala plan in sight a year after submissions closed

The Berejiklian government has marked exactly a year since public submissions closed for its NSW Koala Strategy.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Really scary': NSW environment minister warned of land-clearing leap

'Really scary': NSW environment minister warned of land-clearing leap

Document reveals for the first time what the government's own modelling of land-clearing law changes predicted for the state's native vegetation.

  • by Peter Hannam
Ivory trinkets crushed en masse in Bourke Street Mall

Ivory trinkets crushed en masse in Bourke Street Mall

They once adorned an elephant: large incisor teeth used in battle, to gather food or to dig. 

  • by Neelima Choahan & Shiamak Unwalla
Wiping out ants on the kitchen bench? This is what you interrupted

Wiping out ants on the kitchen bench? This is what you interrupted

They invade our homes and can, depending on the species, deliver a painful bite, yet there is much to admire about ants, not least their complex societal ways.

  • by Fenella Souter
Fascination with Wikie the talking orca says more about us than her
Whale Watch

Fascination with Wikie the talking orca says more about us than her

When video emerged of an orca “talking”, or, let’s be honest, mimicking human sounds, it saddened us rather than impressed us. All it showed was an intelligent and complex animal performing a cheap trick.

  • by Peter Singer and Jordan Sosnowski
Kangaroo cull to increase with restriction on harvesting licences axed
Broken Hill

Kangaroo cull to increase with restriction on harvesting licences axed

The cap on kangaroo harvesting licences will increase the number killed.

  • by Julie Power
Hunters to shoot deer from helicopters in new cull trial

Hunters to shoot deer from helicopters in new cull trial

Hunters will take to the skies above the Alpine National Park to cull deer blamed by authorities for wreaking havoc on the environment.

  • by Benjamin Preiss
$5000 reward offered to find dog rubbish dumper

$5000 reward offered to find dog rubbish dumper

Zorro, the three-year-old foxy cross, survived being crushed in a garbage truck and was rescued by tip workers at the Willowbank landfill site.

  • by AAP
World's coral reefs face new peril from beneath within decades

World's coral reefs face new peril from beneath within decades

Coral reefs could start to dissolve as man-made climate change drives acidification of the oceans, scientists say.

  • by Peter Hannam
RSPCA hails 'landmark' decision after man committed 'repugnant' acts with his dog

RSPCA hails 'landmark' decision after man committed 'repugnant' acts with his dog

DISTRESSING CONTENT: A man who filmed himself committing sex acts with his puppy has failed to have his conviction overturned.

  • by Jorge Branco & Amy Mitchell-Whittington