
Sex in Parliament House: it ain't what it used to be

Find someone who has had sex in Parliament House and get them to yak about it. As journalistic missions go, it should have been a lay down misere. After all, the joint has garnered something of a reputation as a den of love and lust over the years.

"They're all screwing everybody down there!" exclaimed Sydney-based Sunrise host Samantha Armytage this week. “It’s a naughty spot, there’s a lot of rooting around.”

Would that it were so.

In dozens of phone calls to MPs, staffers and other denizens of the hill, this reporter heard plenty of conjecture - including scuttlebutt about no less than four Turnbull government ministers (other than Barnaby Joyce) and a bunch of Labor frontbenchers.

Junie Morosi and Jim Cairns in 1977.

Junie Morosi and Jim Cairns in 1977.

One particularly resilient rumour involves a cabinet minister and a colleague supposedly caught in the act in a parliamentary office. Alas, nobody can actually identify the accidental voyeur.


In a building whose lifeblood is gossip, everyone has a story about somebody else – but very few are willing to own up to their own escapades. And in the microcosm of politics, where self-aggrandisement is an art form, the inescapable conclusion is that there's a lot more talk about sex happening than actual sex.

"I think it's a bit overblown for Canberra to be seen as a kind of orgy capital of Australia," says Murray Watt, a Labor senator from Queensland serving his first term. "My impression is it's not as out-of-hand as it used to be."

The glamorous affairs of yesteryear are well-known: former deputy prime minister Jim Cairns' rendezvous with Junie Morosi, Bob Hawke's philandering, and of course Labor minister John Brown's desktop cavorting with his then-wife Jan Murray, who famously left her knickers in his ashtray. Mark Latham met his wife Janine Lacy while she was a Liberal staffer in the late 1990s.

The Barnaby Joyce affair has put the spotlight on Parliament House standards.

The Barnaby Joyce affair has put the spotlight on Parliament House standards.

History might have seared these Labor indiscretions into collective memory, but Terry Barnes - a top adviser to Tony Abbott in the latter years of the Howard government - insists the Tories were no less naughty when they were in power.

"Most MPs and staffers worked hard, many played hard and a few played very hard indeed," he recalls. "Condoms in the Meditation Room were the norm in my day, and what happened on tour stayed on tour."

That infamous room, a quiet alcove above the grand Mural Hall in the centre of Parliament, was built for prayer and reflection. Each semi-private nook contains a seat, some floor space and a plaque pointing to Mecca. These days it is sparse but in its infancy, the room was packed with “ridiculous, kitschy Christian babble", in the words of long-serving former Labor operative Justin Di Lollo, who recalls a number of grey plastic Jesus figures superglued on to fake pine crucifixes.

“I took it upon myself to relieve the room of most of it,” he says.

Since then, the Meditation Room has become notorious - in the sort of wink-wink, nudge-nudge innuendo indulged by colleagues on the hill - as the go-to venue for a bit of on-site action. Di Lollo, who started just weeks after the new Parliament House opened in 1988, reckons he went in there more than 100 times over a decade but "for all of the many, many, many stories that one hears, I have never in all of those visits seen any nefarious nocturnal activity or evidence thereof".

Other hot spots for hanky panky were cleaned up and squeezed out years ago. Di Lollo remembers a number of windowless "guest rooms" with green vinyl lounges dotted around the building.

"There are various stories of a bit of rooting going on in there," he says with a hint of nostalgia.

One contemporary staffer tells of an especially "hot and risqué" moment with a journalist that was "the closest I've ever come to having sex in Parliament House". But the danger of being discovered loomed large. "He didn't have an MP suite at his disposal, so it did shift a lot of risk on to my side," the staffer said. They ended up going back to the journalist's house.

In truth, most of the sex between staff, press and lobbyists happens out of Parliament - not difficult when most people are staying at nearby hotels. Evenings during sitting weeks tend to follow a familiar path, from boozy events in the building to dinner in Kingston to – particularly on Wednesdays - the Public bar in Manuka, where the party often goes until 3am.

Though the venue has changed over the years there has always been a place for the political class to blow off steam on the night before everyone leaves town. Locals seem to know to stay away on a Wednesday night, when the hordes from the hill descend.

"They definitely have a good time when they’re here," says Scott Barrie, the bar manager at Public who presides over the suit-and-tie swamp. "They all get real pissed but they’re always really polite and they never act out at all.”

Barnaby Joyce is fighting to hang on to his career.

Barnaby Joyce is fighting to hang on to his career.

Photo: Peter Hardin

Barrie takes a laissez-faire view on the whole spectacle. "Eighty per cent of them would be guys," he observes, rightly. "They’d just be smashing beers. What they do once they leave, I don't know."

This reporter can vouch that hook-ups between staffers and journalists are common, and Public is ground zero. And rest assured, people do not discriminate on partisan grounds. But, as Murray Watt notes, none of this should come as a shock.

"If you get any sort of venue where there are large numbers of younger people gathering together with a few drinks involved, it's not surprising that sometimes people go home with each other," he says. "That happens every Friday night in every town in Australia. Canberra's no different."

Alcohol can be a lubricant and a liability around Parliament. It is omnipresent, dished out for free at black tie dinners, office parties and countless drinks events put on by lobby groups and other associations. Ewen Jones, a boisterous and much-loved Liberal MP who lost his seat at the last election, says it was “like being in the chocolate factory”. But it was also fraught with danger.

“I love being on the drink. What I didn’t get when I went to Canberra is people use a glass of wine as something around which to have the conversation they need to have,” he says.

“Me, I would drink it like it was beer, and I ended up making a fool of myself on more than one occasion. I fell over in the whip’s office trying to find a seat and nearly took out Bronwyn Bishop. [Liberal MP] Russell Broadbent actually took me aside and said ‘mate, you better watch yourself’.”

Lest you get the wrong impression, make no mistake: ministers and shadow ministers resolutely don't have the time for such shenanigans. They're up at 5am running laps around the building, doing media interviews and preparing for 16-hour work days. And even the raucous corridor parties have largely subsided, according to old hands, though there are still reckless moments.

Labor veterans fondly recall the end-of-session parties during the Rudd/Gillard years. "They were wild. People were so drunk. There’s no way someone wasn’t f--king in someone else’s office," one attendee says. Others describe that government's tortured last months as a long bacchanale.

Certain offices develop a culture and, by extension, a reputation. Then-treasurer Wayne Swan's team was notorious for enjoying a good time. Nobody would be surprised to see Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young at a party. The spirit of the old days might be dulled but it limps on with a restraint befitting the modern age.

“Although we were sometimes a bit horny, we never did anything inside the building,” says one recently-departed Liberal staffer. “I think most people are professional enough to take it to the hotel room.”

In the end, the overwhelming sentiment among those who discussed the topic of sex this week was simply bewilderment that anyone found time to copulate in the corridors of power.

For the record, no one rumoured to have done the deed in the building was willing to admit or discuss it, not even off-the-record. Which raises its own suspicions among hardened sceptics.

"Isn't that the thing with sex?" says a former Labor staffer. "People always talk it up, but there's never anything happening."

Michael Koziol

Michael Koziol is the immigration and legal affairs reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based in Parliament House

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