
Super & retirement

How can I compensate my daughter for her cost of having my grandkids?

How can I compensate my daughter for her cost of having my grandkids?

Gaps for childbearing and child rearing are one of the causes behind the gap in retirement savings between men and women's superannuation.

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon


How the NDIS helps young people living in aged care

How the NDIS helps young people living in aged care

There are more than 6000 young people who live in aged care and more than 2000 enter each year who can now get access to NDIS funding to subsidise the cost.

  • by Rachel Lane
Some employers are much less than super

Some employers are much less than super

With the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry commencing, the superannuation industry’s practices are going to be under the spotlight.

  • by Alison and Jillian Barrett
Scrap super guarantee increase to boost wages, save $2b: Grattan Institute

Scrap super guarantee increase to boost wages, save $2b: Grattan Institute

Workers should not be forced to lock away a rising portion of their wage in superannuation, according to a new report.

  • by Jessica Irvine
When it comes to unpaid super, let the punishment fit the crime

When it comes to unpaid super, let the punishment fit the crime

Jailing employers who don't meet their compulsory super obligations will do little to improve overall superannuation coverage in the general population.

  • by Daryl Dixon
Sharemarket volatility calls for a serious conversation about super
Family finance

Sharemarket volatility calls for a serious conversation about super

With the local sharemarket falling by about $90 billion in two days, it’s very likely that your superannuation balance has also gone down in value. So, should you be worried?

  • by Olivia Maragna
Perfect super storm brewing on back of gig economy boom

Perfect super storm brewing on back of gig economy boom

The reluctance of gig economy workers to contribute to superannuation has created the perfect storm in Australia.

  • by Nina Hendy
Employers who don't pay super face up to a year in jail

Employers who don't pay super face up to a year in jail

The government intends to introduce court-ordered penalties, including up to 12 months' imprisonment, where employers defy directions to pay their superannuation guarantee liabilities.

  • by John Collett
Property speculation slows as prices stagnate

Property speculation slows as prices stagnate

"Flipping" of properties – buying and selling real estate within two years – with the hope of making a profit is far less prevalent now that prices are no longer booming.

  • by John Collett
Fraud and scandals costing DIY super funds billions

Fraud and scandals costing DIY super funds billions

The true costs of financial fraud and misconduct to self-managed super funds (SMSFs) is more than triple the reported losses, once the further losses from not having the money to invest are taken into account.

  • by John Collett
A good year for super but most Australians still missing out on potential earnings

A good year for super but most Australians still missing out on potential earnings

Do you feel richer than you did a year ago? You should.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons