
Free trade - as long as it benefits the US

Free trade - as long as it benefits the US

Readers discuss Donald Trump's controversial plan to apply tariffs to imported steel and aluminium.


Housing, growth, shelter: Governments need to invest in public supply

Housing, growth, shelter: Governments need to invest in public supply

To submit a letter to The Age, email letters@theage.com.au. Please include your home address and telephone number. 

Bad behaviour: Achieving power is a case of whatever it takes

Bad behaviour: Achieving power is a case of whatever it takes

The recent behaviour of our politicians has left readers less than impressed.

Victoria: State government must ban duck shooting

Victoria: State government must ban duck shooting

Readers discuss issues relating to Victoria, including duck shooting, installing police at shopping centres and the removal of level crossings.

Michaelia Cash: Shouldn't women take other women further?

Michaelia Cash: Shouldn't women take other women further?

Readers discuss the Jobs and Innovation Minister's threat to spread rumours about young women in Bill Shorten's office.

Police integrity: An outrageous farce that undermines the force

Police integrity: An outrageous farce that undermines the force

Revelations about Victoria Police's professional standards chief are truly staggering.

Education: Helping our students become strong leaders

Education: Helping our students become strong leaders

Readers discuss different education issues, including a review of the VCE

 Independents way: Free from the party line is a worthwhile pursuit

Independents way: Free from the party line is a worthwhile pursuit

Readers have taken exception to the suggestion by Amanda Vanstone that independents achieve nothing.

The Ellis defence: May new legislation force change in the church

The Ellis defence: May new legislation force change in the church

The Victorian government's move to overrride the "Ellis defence" is welcomed by readers.

Teachers and guns: Armed, it's dangerous, disarmed, it's less so

Teachers and guns: Armed, it's dangerous, disarmed, it's less so

Readers find it disturbing that Donald Trump would advocate arming teachers.

Armed teachers: It's so logical: more guns mean a safer world for all

Armed teachers: It's so logical: more guns mean a safer world for all

Readers discuss Donald Trump's controversial proposal to arm teachers in American schools.