Malcolm Turnbull lauds US trip as 'very valuable'

Malcolm Turnbull lauds US trip as 'very valuable'

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has declared his visit to Washington DC a success after "frank and productive meetings" with US President Donald Trump, military leaders, business executives and more than 40 state governors.


US must continue to be a leader, says Malcolm Turnbull

US must continue to be a leader, says Malcolm Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull has told the governors of more than 40 US states that America's leadership in the world is in the interest of both nations.

ACT joins forces with NT to call for voluntary euthanasia reform

ACT joins forces with NT to call for voluntary euthanasia reform

 Momentum is growing to allow the ACT to make a decision over euthanasia.

  • by Kimberley Le Lievre
Chief Minister Andrew Barr was right to tackle residents' concerns on high-rise

Chief Minister Andrew Barr was right to tackle residents' concerns on high-rise

There is no conjuring trick powerful enough to improve the looks of our short, squat metropolis.

  • by Ian Warden
Donald Trump announces newest US warship to be named after Canberra

Donald Trump announces newest US warship to be named after Canberra

Trump may have mispronounced the Australian capital, but it will name the US navy's new warship.

  • by Andrew Brown
Tradies Dickson land swap a 'prime candidate' for anti-corruption commission

Tradies Dickson land swap a 'prime candidate' for anti-corruption commission

Shane Rattenbury and Alistair Coe believe the deal could be worthy such a referral.

  • by Daniel Burdon
Canberra Times Letters to the Editor: It can be a deadly decision to avoid prostate cancer screening

Canberra Times Letters to the Editor: It can be a deadly decision to avoid prostate cancer screening

All men over 50 should have a prostate screening test as part of their preventive health regime.

Barr government's urban renewal leads to 'accidental' gentrification of Canberra

Barr government's urban renewal leads to 'accidental' gentrification of Canberra

But one organisation doesn't believe the government is intentionally trying to push public housing tenants out of the city.

  • by Daniel Burdon
Audit's Dickson land swap findings deserve a better response from ACT government

Audit's Dickson land swap findings deserve a better response from ACT government

The government was both dismissive and arrogant in its reply to a scathing report.

  • by The Canberra Times
Dicey Topics: former ACT chief minister Kate Carnell on sex, body image and death
Good Weekend

Dicey Topics: former ACT chief minister Kate Carnell on sex, body image and death

The former chief minister of the ACT, Kate Carnell talks about sex, body image and death with Benjamin Law.

  • by Benjamin Law
Mick Gentleman, questions over Dickson Tradies land deal far from put to bed

Mick Gentleman, questions over Dickson Tradies land deal far from put to bed

A declaration of nothing to see here after Thursday's audit report beggars belief.

  • by Kirsten Lawson