
Peter Martins retires from New York City Ballet after misconduct allegations

After accusations of sexual harassment and physical and verbal abuse, Peter Martins, the powerful leader of New York City Ballet who shaped the company for more than three decades, has decided to retire.

"I have denied, and continue to deny, that I have engaged in any such misconduct," Martins, 71, said of the accusations in a letter informing the board of his retirement, which takes effect immediately. Board members were told of his decision in a conference call on Monday evening.

Peter Martins has retired after more than three decades at the New York City Ballet.

Peter Martins has retired after more than three decades at the New York City Ballet.

Photo: Evan Agostini

Charles W. Scharf, chairman of the ballet's board, issued a statement thanking Martins for his contributions, but noted the investigation was continuing. "The board takes seriously the allegations that have been made against him and we expect the independent investigation of those allegations to be completed soon."

Martins said in his letter: "I co-operated fully in the investigation and understand it will be completed shortly. I believe its findings would have vindicated me."

In his letter, Martins said the allegations had "inflicted on the ballet and the school – institutions which I love and to which I have devoted 50 years of my life – a tremendous toll of turmoil, disruption and expense."


He added: "It also has exacted a painful toll on me and my family." He said he had decided to retire to "bring an end to this disruption".

In recent interviews, 24 women and men, all former dancers at the company or its school, described a culture of intimidation under Martins, which they said has hurt the careers of generations of performers.

Vanessa Carlton, a former dancer with the company, recently sent an email to Robert I. Lipp, a vice chairman of City Ballet.

"Every single ex-dancer that I know, including myself, will be devastated if Peter is allowed to waltz back into his office," Carlton wrote.

But other dancers have defended him. "I've never felt in danger in his presence," said Megan Fairchild, who has been with the company for 16 years. "He's the person I go to when I'm having trouble in the company or in life."

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