
'Linking performance to privilege': Controversial NAPLAN policy dumped

The NSW Education Minister, Rob Stokes, has dumped a controversial policy that tied NAPLAN results to the HSC, warning it risked favouring the privileged and leaving students anxious.

Mr Stokes said the requirement that year 9 students score three band 8s in NAPLAN to pre-qualify for their HSC would be abandoned but students would still need to meet a minimum standard.

He said he had been convinced the policy placed too much pressure on year 9 students, especially students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes has scrapped one of the government's most controversial education policies.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes has scrapped one of the government's most controversial education policies.

Photo: Brook Mitchell

“The policy risked linking performance to privilege,” Mr Stokes said.

“NAPLAN should be a simple check-up, not a major operation. It is one tool used to assess educational progress, not a high-stakes test.”


Last year was the first time the policy, introduced by former education minister Adrian Piccoli, was in place and almost 70 per cent of year 9 students did not meet the band 8 requirements.

NSW had a lift in year 9 NAPLAN results in 2017, but many warned it was a "sugar hit" and the improvements were a result of schools preparing their students for the test.

Mr Piccoli, who is about to start as director of the UNSW Gonski Institute for Education, said he was “disappointed and surprised” the policy had been abandoned.

Former education minister, Adrian Piccoli, said the policy saw NAPLAN results improve for the first time.

Former education minister, Adrian Piccoli, said the policy saw NAPLAN results improve for the first time.

Photo: Kate Geraghty

“We keep talking about dropping standards and for the first time NAPLAN results were improving and last year they improved by 50 per cent in some measures,” Mr Piccoli said.

“High schools changed what they were doing to improve literacy and numeracy and then the government just dropped it on the back of public pressure.”

Mr Stokes said the introduction of a minimum standard was a reform that had widespread support, ensuring all students who receive the HSC have the literacy and numeracy skills needed to succeed in life after school.

HSC students will now sit short online tests in reading, writing and numeracy in years 10, 11 or 12 but it will not be tied to NAPLAN.


The opposition education spokesman Jihad Dib said the initial policy was poorly thought out.

“The reason you get backflips in government is because decisions are made on the hop,” Mr Dib said.

“But I am happy and proud that we managed to get this overturned and I hope that this teaches us to listen to the experts.”

Martine Beaumont, founder of the HSC, Opportunity, Potential for Everyone group, said she welcomed the government’s decision but was disappointed students still faced extra tests.

"The over 15,000 members of the group HOPE who have been campaigning to scrap the minimum literacy and numeracy qualifying standards for the HSC are overjoyed the minister has listened and acted on our concerns,” Ms Beaumont said.

“Decoupling the band 8 year 9 NAPLAN will definitely help to alleviate the huge increase in stress and anxiety this policy has caused to the children of NSW.”

A spokesman for Catholic Schools NSW said the sector was looking forward to “policy stability”.

“The minister’s office and NESA advised Catholic Schools NSW of the policy change prior to its announcement,” the spokesman said.

“Catholic schools support the policy of an HSC minimum standard. We will work with the government to ensure that the literacy and numeracy standards of our students continue improving all the way to year 12."

A spokeswoman for the NSW Education Standards Authority said: “The minister made the decision to simplify the process for meeting the HSC minimum standard following extensive consultation with the NSW Education Standard Authority, the school sectors, teachers, parents, students and key stakeholder groups.”

Alexandra Smith

Alexandra Smith is the State Political Editor and a former Education Editor at the Sydney Morning Herald

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