
ASIC boss: It's real money to real people

When the new chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, James Shipton, was told at a joint parliamentary committee hearing there was a perception that the corporate regulator wasn't feared, the response spoke volumes about Shipton's approach.

"I want ASIC to be taken seriously by the sectors we regulate and I want ASIC to be highly regarded by the community and public," he replied. "We will be serious and we will be stern where necessary."

New ASIC chairman James Shipton gives evidence at the Parliamentary hearing on Friday.

New ASIC chairman James Shipton gives evidence at the Parliamentary hearing on Friday.

Photo: Wolter Peeters

He avoided using the words 'tough' or 'feared', preferring to say he would take a strategic approach, which raised a few eyebrows.

Given the breach of trust running through the financial services sector following a series of scandals, a strategic approach might not be enough to turn the tide.

For now, he can enjoy a honeymoon period.


It was Shipton's first public outing after starting the job on February 1 after the favoured candidate Credit Suisse chairman John O'Sullivan withdrew suddenly from the race after his candidacy attracted political heat. O'Sullivan had close political ties to the Liberal Party and his previous employment was with the Commonwealth Bank.

ASIC has a number of fine professional people working in its organisation who want to do the right thing, but the Productivity Commission in its Capability Review into ASIC found that the existing structure "inherently undermines accountability" and isn't sustainable.

Shipton will need to address this, as well as work out the type of regulator he wants ASIC to be.

In the push to build trust among the public, Shipton is likely to get more powers and higher penalties. What he does with them will be up to him.

The Productivity Commission proposed a massive overhaul of the structure to make ASIC more accountable and more transparent.

As well as forming an opinion on the appropriate structure for ASIC, Shipton will need to deal with the legal action it has taken with CBA in relation to allegations of bank bill swap rate rigging. Shipton's predecessor managed to get a settlement from National Australia Bank and ANZ. Westpac took it all the way and a judgement is pending.

He will also be embroiled in the Royal Commission into Financial Services, which has requested a series of documents and information from ASIC.

Because we are dealing with other people's money, we must never forget that financial risks can, and often are, catastrophic to real people and can, at an extreme, cause human suffering

James Shipton

He declined to make any further comments on what sort of information was required or whether ASIC itself would be part of the scrutiny.

In 2014 a Senate inquiry called for a royal commission into the Commonwealth Bank after finding ASIC couldn't be trusted to do the job properly. It found ASIC had been too trusting of what CBA had told it about its financial planning division.

But Shipton did make it clear that culture in corporations was dear to his heart and it was something he would continue to monitor and pursue. He said professionalism was a key indicator of a company's culture.

He also said it was important to note that every cent in the financial system is "other people's money". Not institutions' or companies'. "These entities are merely veils for the real people that stand behind them: individual shareholders, investors, consumers and depositors. And, because we are dealing with other people's money, we must never forget that financial risks can, and often are, catastrophic to real people and can, at an extreme, cause human suffering. After all, it is real money to real people."

And he noted three important reforms and proposals spawned from parliamentary inquiries.

The first was reforms to lift professional, ethical and competency standards among financial planners.

"These improvements should help build trust in the financial advice industry," he said.

Second, the review of ASIC's enforcement regime, including expanded penalties for misconduct.

"For there to be appropriate accountability in the regulatory framework, penalties must be appropriate and ASIC's enforcement toolkit should be as complete as possible. I look forward to further discussions about these issues following the release of the Enforcement Review Taskforce's report," he said.

And Finally, the inquiry into the life insurance industry, which is set to release a report any day, and is expected to address issues ranging from genetic testing, outdated medical definitions and profit sharing among life insurers and group insurance.

From there he was let off the hook as the other commissioners stepped in to answer questions about pay day lenders, mortgage brokers, phoenix activity and the inherent conflicts of interest with vertical integration.

Vertical integration has been a big issue since the banks moved into wealth management more than 15 years ago. This allowed them to manufacture the products and use an army of financial advisers to sell them, as well as bank tellers.

ASIC released a report on January 24 that found that financial advisers at the big four banks and AMP were breaching the best interests duty of customers 75 per cent of the time. It also found that in 10 per cent of cases the advice left customers "significantly" worse off.

This was a staggering finding, particularly given part of the investigation covered the introduction of Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) legislation, where advisers are legally bound to act in their clients' best interests and commissions were banned.

ASIC deputy chairman Peter Kell said despite the myriad conflicts there remained a place for vertical integration. When asked if vertical integration should be banned, he said "It's not our call". He questioned whether the Productivity Commission would look at the issue.

It is imperative that the royal commission looks at vertical integration, which has caused a lot of financial misery for so many customers.

As Shipton has said culture is important and with such a high fail rate when it comes to financial advisers in vertically integrated institutions acting in their client's best interests, something needs to be done – fast.

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson comments on companies, markets and the economy.

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