
Climate Change

World's coral reefs face new peril from beneath within decades

World's coral reefs face new peril from beneath within decades

Coral reefs could start to dissolve as man-made climate change drives acidification of the oceans, scientists say.

  • by Peter Hannam


'First hint' of a puzzling change in Southern Ocean revealed by CSIRO
Global warming

'First hint' of a puzzling change in Southern Ocean revealed by CSIRO

Researchers aboard an Australian ship undertaking pioneering work in the Southern Ocean have found the "first hint" of a shift.

  • by Peter Hannam
NSW Climate Change Fund underspent more than $250m in past three years

NSW Climate Change Fund underspent more than $250m in past three years

The Berejiklian government's Climate Change Fund has collected in excess of a quarter of a billion dollars more than it has spent in the past three years

  • by Peter Hannam
Ominous warning for Sydney in Cape Town water crisis

Ominous warning for Sydney in Cape Town water crisis

You're more likely to hear Sydneysiders talking about traffic or property prices than water. Memories of the millennial drought have faded as our reservoirs have filled with years of above-average rainfall. But this period of water wealth should not delude us. It will not last forever.

  • by Eamon Waterford
Expect more 'complete surprises' from climate change: NASA's Schmidt
Global warming

Expect more 'complete surprises' from climate change: NASA's Schmidt

The eruption of pine bark beetles that has devastated forests in North America is an example of surprises from climate change, says NASA's Gavin Schmidt.

  • by Peter Hannam
With political leaders on the sidelines, sport could take the lead on climate change
Extreme weather

With political leaders on the sidelines, sport could take the lead on climate change

This is an opportunity for sporting codes to show leadership around climate change and its potential effects.

  • by Sue Cooke
Climate change to hurt Queensland tourism, report warns
Great Barrier Reef

Climate change to hurt Queensland tourism, report warns

Queensland's top tourist destinations are under threat from climate change, according to the latest report from the Climate Council.

Solar 'tsunami' coming in Australia as NSW accelerates approvals

Solar 'tsunami' coming in Australia as NSW accelerates approvals

Solar energy approvals are accelerating and this year will likely see total capacity surge at an unprecedented rate in NSW and the country as a whole.

  • by Peter Hannam & Cole Latimer
'We might be entering the age of the unfailing sunburn': ozone layer getting worse in populated areas

'We might be entering the age of the unfailing sunburn': ozone layer getting worse in populated areas

The ozone layer is not healing as fast as scientists had hoped.

  • by Liam Mannix
Top End shale gas development would blow Australia's carbon budget, TAI says

Top End shale gas development would blow Australia's carbon budget, TAI says

Developing the Northern Territory's onshore shale oil and gas resources could release the equivalent of 34 billion tonnes of carbon emissions, equal to 60 times Australia's current annual carbon pollution, according to The Australia Institute.

  • by Peter Hannam
Great Barrier Reef in 'deep trouble' as climate, other threats mount: official

Great Barrier Reef in 'deep trouble' as climate, other threats mount: official

The Great Barrier Reef is in "deep trouble" as climate change and other threats mount, hindering the ability of corals to rebound from natural events, a senior scientist with the reef's Marine Park Authority said.

  • by Peter Hannam