Veteran opera director fired for 'inappropriate behaviour'

Veteran opera director fired for 'inappropriate behaviour'

In the latest jolt to the classical musical world, New York's Metropolitan Opera has fired the veteran British stage director John Copley after receiving a complaint about what the company described as "inappropriate behaviour in the rehearsal room".


Carmen given killer new ending

Carmen given killer new ending

After more than 140 years of being stabbed to death on stage, the gypsy heroine of the opera Carmen gets her own revenge in a new Italian production – shooting her thwarted lover instead.

All-singing, all-dancing Merry Widow finds her feet

All-singing, all-dancing Merry Widow finds her feet

There was a time when an opera singer with acting ability was a rarity – and the idea they might also be able to dance was unheard of.

  • by Nick Galvin