Corporate Responsibility

Across our business we maintain a strong focus on environmental and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
We play an active role in supporting local communities. We utilise our position as a community leader to support and amplify initiatives and causes which are aligned to business objectives.
We do this through sponsorships, collaborations and fundraising campaigns as well as providing promotional exposure across our extensive network of media assets.
By driving conversations that matter and creating connections that count in the communities we serve, Fairfax also uses its trusted voice to deliver a powerful public good.
Quality, independent journalism makes communities stronger – more civil, more open and transparent. We hold governments and the powerful up to public scrutiny and to account.
At Fairfax, we strive to be accurate and fair-minded in our reporting. We have established internal processes which aim to ensure this happens. We actively support and fund media industry self-regulation.
Our CSR and sustainability strategy considers risks and the interests of our customers, employees, shareholders and communities, as well as social and environmental aspects of our business activities and the impact on long-term financial viability.
By integrating CSR and sustainability into core business processes and stakeholder management, Fairfax can achieve the ultimate goal of creating both social and corporate value. Fairfax runs a combination of centralised and decentralised CSR and sustainability programs to ensure maximum benefits to our local communities, our customers and our employees. These programs are reviewed annually and performance is tracked, measured and reported on.

There are five strategic pillars in our CSR and sustainability strategy:

  1. Environment
  2. Editorial Integrity
  3. Community
  4. People & Culture
  5. Financial Viability and Sustainability

For more information about our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, please see pages 11-18 of the 2017 Annual Report