17 February 2018


Anyway. I photographed a section of  my crowd scene then made three copies.  First of all I just painted in the black and amber scarves:-
 Then with version two  I applied some colours, including skin colours before adding the black and amber:-
Then I used a colour called Payne's Grey - as suggested by my surrogate sister Donna (Peace Thyme) who resides in Evergreen, Colorado. First I applied a very pale wash and then experimented with different strengths of the single colour. Next I painted in the black and amber scarves:-
These experiments have been very useful. Thanks to Steve Reed (Shadows and Light) for suggesting this approach. I have decided to go forward with the version three idea using Payne's Grey. The experiment has given me the confidence to advance. I spent so many hours on the crowd scene that I was nervous about spoiling it. Now I feel I can do a good job as I move towards the finished masterpiece.

To see it all you have to do is to watch this space and wait about seven years!


  1. The coloured in version was all wrong but both of the others allow the characters to shine.

    That was a clever way to try your options

    1. The coloured one is too distracting.

  2. Hey, the comments and explanations are worth reading the post.

    1. I wonder if you are in the crowd Red? You're wearing a flat-cap like a Yorkshireman.

  3. It's interesting to see the differences. I was going to say I would have enjoyed seeing these from a greater distance, but then I realized I could just stand up and take a few steps backward. Which I did. And, for what my non-professional opinion is worth, I think you made the right choice.

    1. Thank you for your expert endorsement Jenny.

  4. I've stocked up with licorice, fruit, water, nuts (not of the human kind)...and I sit here impatiently munching and waiting....offering absolutely no suggestions...I shall just wait and see. (I like the third one, though, for what it's worth...how much are you selling it for>)

    I have the seven year itch! Ouch!

    1. I hope you have got several pounds of liqorice* Lady Lee!

      *= British spelling

    2. I usually spell "liquorice" - "liquorice"....my error was a flick or twitch of the wrist.

      I was engrossed by the Winter Olympics at the time of my response! (And I still am, and shall remain in this dazed state until week's end)!

      I'm not sure where the spelling "liqorice" comes from....maybe the US because they keep dropping "u", you know. So stay alert when around Americans. :)

    3. I have heard that there are moves afoot to turn Australia into America's fifty first state and that Australia's new state song will be "I'm A Yankee Doodle Dandy".

    4. Are you on that green stuff again, Yorkie...the stuff you were on when talking with Albert, the giraffe?

  5. by the way, the Bosh! boys appear to have an absolutely kick ass launch planned

    1. I hope that Shirley and I will be down in London to witness the great event.

  6. Now you have confused me even more. I don't know which one to choose. All three examples look good to me! The coloured one has lots of details to it; cute the yellow, checked blazer.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I thought the coloured one would look better but it would just look a jumble of colour - distracting viewers from the scarves.

  7. My opinion is based solely on instinct, as I am not an artist myself. But I, too, like No. 3 best.
    Of course I looked at each and every face closely, wondering whether I am in the scene at all. I have not found myself yet.

    1. There is a woman who looks like you but she is not wearing your trademark spectacles.

  8. Re Librerian: I think I recognised you Meike, Jennifer of Sparrow Tree Journal and two other bloggers, but cannot find John Gray...

    1. John Gray is not a football fan so he does not appear in the crowd scene.

  9. My instinct was to go with the first but I'm convinced after a long look that three is probably a better option. I rather liked two but I'it's not a good option to achieve what you are intending to achieve.

    1. You are like my own Anthony Blunt!

  10. Clever of you to experiment before committing to colour.

    1. The three versions shown in this post do not faithfully reveal what I can see on paper. Something has been lost in the transfer.

  11. I think your choice is the right one! Definitely my favorite, anyway!

  12. Thank you for this your broadcast provided bright clear concept.



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