
The McJobification of City Employment: a precarious worker's experience at the City of Oakand

A fair workplace at the City of Oakland is more and more out of reach, with the help of a worker's union embedded in management.

Transphobes at Out Of The Blue in Leith. Edinburgh Sisters Uncut and Co respond.

A Report from Edinburgh on opposition to transphobia.

Koreatown popular assembly shuts down ICE van

About 70 activists and community members surrounded and blocked an ICE van in front of LA’s Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles the evening of Thursday, February 15. The action was called for by the Koreatown Popular Assembly 24 hours prior as an emergency response to reports of ICE detaining over a 100 individuals across the city.

Out with the old, in with the not so new

The article looks at the structural reasons why Ramaphosa replacing Zuma as the head of state in South Africa won't end corruption.

Report on the Nationalist Rally in Athens


In Athens on Sunday 4th of February, a mass nationalist rally took place over the “Macedonian” issue. The police gave an estimation of 140.000 people, while the organizers speak of more than a million (!). Perhaps it had more people than the police’s official estimate but not even close to the organizers claims, which are more of a wishful thinking. This was the second demonstration within a month period over the same issue, the first being held in Thessaloniki in late January.

Global Deliveroo strikes

Striking Deliveroo workers in Hong Kong.

Over the last couple of weeks, Deliveroo have been hit by a series of strikes and occupations all over the world: from Hong Kong to Belgium, Holland, France and Germany. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, the first union for online food deliverers has been formed.

Support anarchist and antifa prisoners in St.Petersburg and Penza!

Pretrial Detention Center No. 1 in Penza

Fundraising for lawyers working on cases about police raids and arrests of anarchists and antifascists in St. Petersburg ans Penza, Russia has begun. At the moment two persons in St. Petersburg and five in Penza have been arrested, more are connected to the case as witnesses.

Foodora and Deliveroo Riders protest in Berlin

Foodora and Deliveroo Riders protest in Berlin

On January 24 2018, Foodora and Deliveroo riders in Berlin have protested against their precarious working conditions. They have to pay for most of the bike repair costs themselves. This leads to many having to ride with bicycles that are not safe, because they can not afford the repair costs.

Video, 8 mins, 2018 engl./german with engl. subs.

Bologna supporters fined for anti-police brutality protest

Flag displaying Federico Aldrovandi's face at another match.

Supporters of Bologna football club have been fined for their protest during an away game at Napoli on Sunday to commemorate the violent murder of a teenager by police officers in Ferrara, Northern Italy.

Yeryüzü Postası respond to the assault on Afrin

Turkish internationalists Yeryüzü Postası's statement on the assault on Afrin by the Turkish government.