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Doctors advised to stop performing arthroscopic knee surgery for osteoarthritis

Anne Ashford flinches when she begins to recall the painful "grinding and grating" in her swollen knees when her osteoarthritis was at its worst about seven years ago.

Her first surgeon booked her in for arthroscopic knee surgery, but it had to be postponed because of a cancer diagnosis in the family. She never went ahead with it and says it's one of the best decisions she's ever made.

"I got more opinions and the third surgeon referred me to a rheumatologist who said I should first consider making lifestyle changes, like losing weight and doing knee-focused exercises, and the pain went down from nine out of 10 to three out of 10," said Ms Ashford, a 73-year-old retired academic from Kingsford.

"I was lucky because it was at a time when the surgery was common and people were not thinking like that."

For the first time, the peak body for rheumatologists has publicly urged doctors to try to avoid arthroscopic knee surgery, which can involve washing out the joint or cleaning up the lining, for patients with osteoarthritis, especially if they're over 50.

A growing body of research has shown the costly surgery is at best a placebo and at worst, downright harmful, placing patients at increased risk of bleeding inside the joint and blood clots, as well as exposing them to surgical risks such as infections and death.


High-quality studies appeared as early as 2002, but the number of Medicare-funded arthroscopic knee surgeries escalated by 30 per cent in the following 10 years to 58,700 in 2013.

Last year, tens of thousands of surgeries were still performed, costing the federal government more than $20 million in Medicare benefit payments.

The Australian Rheumatology Association (ARA), a specialty society of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, is encouraging doctors to discuss alternatives, such as exercise therapy.

"It takes a long time to change practice and arthroscopies had become very accepted and when the first trials were published, in many instances they just weren't believed, but since then the evidence has grown," said its president, Professor Rachelle Buchbinder.

"In a small number of cases, arthroscopies may be appropriate, like when you've got an infection in there or sometimes rheumatoid arthritis, you might go in and remove the lining."

The Australian public is also in need of clarity, with a study recently published in ANZ Journal of Surgery showing that of 93 "consumer information" documents on knee arthroscopy, only eight made a clear recommendation against it for those with osteoarthritis.

The peak body for orthopaedic surgery, Australian Orthopaedic Association, said the ARA's medical advice was in line with its 2014 position statement.

"[Our] position statement states arthroscopic knee surgery is not indicated in uncomplicated osteoarthritis of the knee," said the association's Kathy Hill. "Arthroscopic surgery does not alter the osteoarthritic condition of the knee."

The plan to evolve

The advice is one of five recommendations released on Monday by the ARA as part of the Evolve Initiative, which aims to highlight clinical practices that may be overused, provide little or no medical benefit or cause unnecessary harm.

Other recommendations including not undertaking imaging for low back pain in patients without signs of a serious underlying problem and not ordering anti-nuclear antibody testing without symptoms and/or signs suggestive of a systemic rheumatic disease.

The Consumer Health Forum said one of the reasons why it supported the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review and the Evolve Initiative was because it wanted the system and patients to be paying for treatments that produce the best outcomes.

"We don't want to see arrangements where procedures continue to be performed for years despite a dearth of evidence of their benefit," said its chief executive Leanne Wells.

New lease on life

Ms Ashford, an emeritus professor at UNSW, said shedding 14kg, revising her orthotics, doing daily knee-focused exercises and attending hydrotherapy classes had transformed her life.

"What I've realised is that you reach a level of fitness and pain, and provided you don't injure yourself, you get better and better," she said, right after gardening for two hours.

"I've been doing various different activities because we have a large garden and I haven't thought about arthritis pain until this conversation," she continued.

"I'm not entirely free of pain, but there are some days when I have absolutely no pain, and it's fantastic."

Originally published on as 'Doctors advised to stop performing arthroscopic knee surgery for osteoarthritis'.