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international / imperialism / war / other libertarian press Saturday February 10, 2018 - 19:57 by Archive
Against Imperialism: International Solidarity and Resistance: A Discussion on Anti-Imperialism, National Liberation Struggles, & Extending Social Struggles to an International Level of Resistance

Part of a discussion on International Solidarity & Revolutionary Resistance presented at the Regional Anarchist Gathering held in Jan.26-29/90 in Vancouver, Canada, the first half is a brief introduction to the historical development of imperialism, including the rise to dominance of US capital in the global economic order, and the second half discusses national liberation struggles, their contradictions & limitations, & an anarchist perspective to these struggles. If anarchist or autonomist struggles are to have any impact, a complete re-assessment of our analysis & methods is necessary. Developing this means addressing ourselves to an analysis against capital- something which this article also mentions.

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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Thursday February 01, 2018 - 19:22 by Marcel Cartier
The dark clouds of 21st-century fascism are once again hanging over the heads of the people of northern Syria. As if the inhabitants of the region often referred to as Rojava haven’t suffered enough over the course of the past 7 years of war, the Turkish state has come to the conclusion that the time is ripe to pick up the fallen, bloodied sword from the corpse that is Islamic State. Together with Salafist mercenaries carrying flags of the Syrian ‘rebels’ – one of the many components of what at one historical juncture seemingly all so long ago was a cohesive ‘Free Syrian Army’ – Erdogan’s regime vows a ‘swift operation’ to destroy ‘terrorism’ in Afrin. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / non-anarchist press Friday January 19, 2018 - 06:36 by Fouad Oveisy and Behnam Amini
Days of protests in Iran have caught statesmen, analysts and observers by surprise, even though the anti-austerity and anti-establishment sentiments behind this primarily working-class revolt have been brewing for years. All the same, surprise is not a common reaction across the media. An early analysis offered in a tweet by the popular and self-styled Marxist pundit, Ali Alizadeh, captures a sentiment which is common across an array of responses to these events from individuals and groups as disparate, in both aim and ideas, as the Iranian reformists, the Iranian postcolonial left, and middle class Iranians both inside and outside Iran. Alizadeh asks: “Do you realize that it is because [the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)] is secured and external threats [to Iran’s national security] have been minimized [by the policies of the IRI], that the right to protest [inside Iran] is now recognized [by the IRI government]?…[This is why I] insist that [regional] security is the prerequisite to everything else, including [civil, political and personal] freedoms.” ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / non-anarchist press Wednesday January 10, 2018 - 19:53 by Araz Bağban
The protests against the high cost of living in the cities of Khorasan province on December 28th soon spread to many cities of Iran incredibly quick and almost turned into a revolt within a week. The protests primarily targeted the high cost of living, financial difficulties and corruption. However, they quickly became politicized and began to target the foundations of the Islamic Republic (IR), namely the religious autocracy. The slogans quickly turned from “death to high cost of living” to “death to the dictator.” ... read full story / add a comment
central asia / the left / non-anarchist press Wednesday January 10, 2018 - 19:48 by Farooq Tariq
Communists have won a landslide victory in the elections for House of Representatives of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal held in two phases on 26th November and 7th December 2017. In a parliament of 275, the elections were held for 165 seats under the first past the post system (FPTP) and the rest, 110 seats, were by proportional system. Farooq Tariq visited Nepal for four days after the election results were announced from 13/17 December 2017 and reports. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / antifascismo / non-anarchist press Wednesday December 20, 2017 - 17:26 by Vicenç Navarro

Hace ya años hubo un debate muy vivo e intenso en círculos politológicos en nuestro país sobre el tipo de régimen político que existía en España durante el periodo 1939-1978. Algunos politólogos, como el Sr. Juan Linz, de la Universidad de Yale (muy influyente en España, maestro de muchos de los profesores de Ciencias Políticas más conocidos en este país), sostenían que aquel régimen había sido un régimen autoritario, o lo que podría llamarse una dictadura a secas, sin más. Su misión era mantener el orden y la autoridad, siendo su dimensión represiva la más acentuada. Dirigida por un caudillo al que el régimen consideraba que tenía dotes casi sobrehumanas (“Caudillo por la gracia de Dios”, se decía en España para definir al Caudillo), tal tipo de Estado recibía el nombre de caudillista, siendo la forma de dictadura más común en América Latina, y que, según tales autores, incluía también la dictadura en España llamada franquista. ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / community struggles / non-anarchist press Wednesday December 20, 2017 - 15:48 by Sex Worker Solidarity Network
The City of Tampa is rewriting a homophobic bathhouse ordinance to now criminalize sex workers. Please call and email city council members to oppose the criminalization of sex workers and stop the homophobic bathhouse ordinance. ... read full story / add a comment
Foto Archivo: Toma estudiantil de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia con sede en la ciudad de Palmira, departamento del Valle del Cauca
venezuela / colombia / la izquierda / non-anarchist press Saturday December 02, 2017 - 20:57 by Alexander Escobar   image 1 image
Resistir al sistema es enfrentarse al horror, “al más frío de todos los monstruos fríos”. La comprensión de ello llegó de forma paralela mientras cientos de cuerpos cercenados eran convertidos en cifras e informes de derechos humanos, y miles de rostros que habitaban trochas y ríos eran condenados al humo indiferente de ciudades convertidas en campos de concentración que infamemente pasaron a ser denominadas como “albergues”. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / la izquierda / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 22, 2017 - 06:28 by Alexander Escobar
La democracia, convertida en falsedad política, es mutación de un invento mediático que aplica control social a poblaciones que terminaron creyendo que los países se transforman sin luchas de pueblos y comunidades que arriesgan la vida en acciones de hecho contra el Estado. Así construyeron modelos mentales para sociedades que olvidan las luchas de sus muertos, a quienes en vida solo profesan odio porque osaron profanar al nuevo ídolo de la mansedumbre: aquella democracia virtual que impone pacifismo a sus súbditos.
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venezuela / colombia / cultura / non-anarchist press Sunday November 12, 2017 - 22:38 by Alexander Escobar   image 1 image
Durante varios días la cineasta Ana González permaneció con los excombatientes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) realizando talleres y diversas actividades enfocadas a la construcción de archivo audiovisual y fortalecimiento de la memoria. ¿Saldará el cine colombiano su deuda con la memoria, con la historia del país? Es momento que la imagen salga de la quietud y recobre el movimiento en favor de la vida y derrote al silencio, esa petrificación cómplice de quienes se vendieron a la infamia y censura de un modelo político y económico que impone solo muerte y miseria. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Friday November 10, 2017 - 18:02 by Dick Nichols
Judge Carmen Lamela of Spain's National High Court – direct descendant of the fascist Franco-era Court of Public Order – took the war of the Spanish state against the Catalan pro-independence government to a new level of judicial violence on November 2. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 01, 2017 - 16:01 by Anticapitalistas
1. On 27 October, in fulfilment of the mandate of the referendum of 1 October in which despite police repression more than two million people participated, the Catalan Parliament proclaimed the Catalan Republic. In a Spain with a monarchy that is a direct successor of the dictator Franco, a Republic that opens up a constituent process is without doubt a proposal that breaks with the 1978 regime, with its political consensus and with a constitutional order that serves the elites. This proclamation occurs in a context of constant threats to apply article 155 and impose an authoritarian outcome on a conflict that demands an eminently political and democratic solution. In fact, in recent days the application of 155 had come to be threatened no matter what happened. We call for the application of article 155 to be rejected and for democratic, peaceful and disobedient defence of the will of the Catalan people and of their right to decide. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / antifascismo / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 01, 2017 - 15:59 by Anticapitalistas
1- El 27 de Octubre, cumpliendo el mandato del referéndum del 1 de Octubre en el que participaron más de 2 millones de personas a pesar de la represión policial, el Parlament de Catalunya proclamó la Republica Catalana. En una España con una monarquía sucesora directa del dictador Franco, una República que abre un proceso constituyente es sin duda una propuesta que rompe con el régimen del 78, con sus consensos políticos y con un orden constitucional al servicio de las élites. Esta proclamación se produce en un contexto de amenazas constantes para aplicar el 155 y darle una salida autoritaria a un conflicto que tiene que tener una salida eminentemente política y democrática. De hecho, en los últimos días se había llegado a amenazar con la aplicación del 155 pasara lo que pasara, se hiciera lo que se hiciera. Llamamos a rechazar la aplicación del artículo 155 y a la defensa democrática, pacífica y desobediente de la voluntad del pueblo catalán y su derecho a decidir. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Monday October 30, 2017 - 15:47 by Richard Fidler
The Declaration begins by reciting the full text of a resolution adopted October 10 by the parliamentary representatives of the pro-independence parties. The resolution recalls the repeated and frustrated attempts by Catalonia since the adoption of the post-Franco Spanish constitution of 1978 to expand the very limited administrative autonomy it grants into political recognition as a nation within the Spanish state. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Monday October 30, 2017 - 15:46 by Dick Nichols
Just after 3pm on October 27, the Catalan parliament voted to ratify the results of the country's October 1 referendum on self-determination, proclaiming Catalonia “an independent state in the form of a republic.” ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Wednesday October 11, 2017 - 16:55 by Josep Maria Antentas
October 1 has passed, closing a period of the shared history between Catalonia and the Spanish state and beginning an uncertain future. It was a day when all the tension building over the five-year independence process came to a head.

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iberia / cultura / altra stampa libertaria Sunday October 01, 2017 - 23:21 by Gianni Sartori
La Catalogna negli appunti di un viaggio in bici risalente a 30 anni fa: roba vecchia, ma forse ancora utile per comprendere la situazione attuale. Tra immagini di degrado industriale e ricordi di un passato di rivoluzioni sociali e lotte per l'autodeterminazione. Una terra particolare pervasa da fermenti di opposizione sociale e aspirazioni indipendentiste. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / historia / other libertarian press Friday September 29, 2017 - 16:44 by Jimmy Muelles
Dicen que la historia la escriben los vencedores, aun así, eso no tiene demasiada importancia porque en tiempos de sobreabundancia de datos y cuando existen universidades para todo tipo de corrientes de pensamiento, sean conservadoras o revolucionarias, en una época en la que hay gurús de todas las escuelas apadrinados por la academia y cualquier espacio de reflexión crítico es asimilado, becado y promocionado por el sistema, el mercado oferta relatos históricos a la medida ideológica del consumidor, para que éste no desbarate una parte de su identidad predeterminada y pueda seguir con su vida normal, de producción y consumo. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / la izquierda / non-anarchist press Thursday September 28, 2017 - 06:33 by Narciso Matías Rojas
Un consejo a la izquierda española: si no hay referéndum en Cataluña el 1-O jamás la izquierda verá un referéndum en España, si antes la burguesía no está segura de que lo puede ganar. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / antifascismo / non-anarchist press Sunday September 24, 2017 - 15:45 by Iñaki Gil de San Vicente
Transcripción ampliada de la intervención realizada el 17 de septiembre en Sant Feliu del Baix Llobregat, organizada por la Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (CUP), en la que también intervino Mireia Vehí, diputada en el Parlament por la CUP-CC. Terminando la transcripción se han producido 14 detenciones de personas acusadas de ser demócratas, decenas de registros e incautaciones de documentos y propaganda. ... read full story / add a comment
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Rojava: Mensaje urgente de un compañero anarquista en Afrin
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