
Seven things I've learnt building my $10 million business The Healthy Mummy

Rhian Allen started digital content program The Healthy Mummy seven years ago. The business now employs 25 full-time staff alongside part-time and casual staff and has attracted private equity investment valuing it at between $10 million and $20 million.

I have learnt an enormous amount over seven years. And it has been a rollercoaster of a ride. Here are some of the my top lessons.

1. Family first

Always put your family first. For me, my kids and family always come first.

The business is crazy. The stress can be madness. But I never want that to impact on them. My husband works full -time on the business too and we both ensure that our kids come first.

Richard Whiteoak of Whiteoak Capital, one of The Healthy Mummy's investors, with founder Rhian Allen.

Richard Whiteoak of Whiteoak Capital, one of The Healthy Mummy's investors, with founder Rhian Allen.

Photo: Cole Bennetts

We don't have full-time nannies and instead we are there for school drop-offs and pick-ups. We are there for play dates. We are there for them.

This means we end up having less time for ourselves and have to work late most nights, and we are always tired, but it is the sacrifice we make so that the growth of the business doesn't affect them. And as we both are on and in the business full-time together we are able to make this work.

2. Never ever be scared to try

Never ever be scared to try and don't be scared of failure. I try new things all the time. Most of the time they work but sometimes they don't – but that's OK – I learn from every stumble and if you don't try you will never know.

3. Always listen

Always listen to people. Do market research. Don't think your ideas are the best. For me, my community and customer are No.1.

Whatever they say, I listen to as they are my business' shareholders. Their opinions count and I listen to everything they say – positive and negative – and I am forever grateful to hear their voice and it helps me to ensure we deliver on what they want and need at a price they can afford.

4. Continue to evolve

Never stand still. The world today moves so fast and you need to evolve to keep up. Customers have a high expectation and they want the best service for the best price. Never stop coming up with ideas and evolving.

5. Surround yourself with an amazing team

Without an amazing team you cannot grow and you cannot service your customers. I have an incredible team and the business employs more than 150 women and mums over the country. I try my best to create a really good working environment where people enjoy their roles.

I strongly believe that we work to live not the other way around and my aim is to always nurture a team environment that is hard-working but also where everyone knows that family time and time out is good.

6. Out of your comfort zone is a good place to be

The key thing to remember is that success doesn't happen overnight – it takes consistency – day in day out, over many years.

One of the biggest challenges and rewards of starting your own business is the enormous amount of obstacles to climb. It can be very scary to start your own business. But the more you push yourself out of your comfort zone the more you will be rewarded. And the key thing to remember is that success doesn't happen overnight – it takes consistency – day in day out, over many years.

I remember when I first was asked to go on TV I was like "OMG I can't do that". Now I go on live TV shows every month. It is all about pushing yourself and now I love going on and spreading The Healthy Mummy message.

7 Confidence is key

You must believe in yourself and what your business is. I always believed in my business. I believed in what I was doing. I could clearly see that there was a real need to support and help mums with a balanced approach to health and weight loss and the hardest thing was starting out all on my own and climbing what seemed to be Mount Everest.

But I never gave up – I just kept doing what I believed in and I never faltered. I live this brand. It is my life. I embody it every day. I love the brand. I am the busy mum. And every day I want to keep delivering the best possible service, products and support to every mum around the world in an affordable way and I am driven to do that every day I wake up.

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