Colin Wilson


Beyond taking sides on No Outsiders

To understand the controversy about LGBT lessons in schools, we need to understand the oppression of both LGBT people and the Muslim community.

LGBT History in 21 pieces of music

For LGBT History Month, Colin Wilson presents a history of queer music in 21 tracks.

A homosexual Christmas in 1905 Berlin

Colin Wilson presents an account of a “uranian” Christmas, written by a leading campaigner over a hundred years ago.

Review: Towards a Gay Communism

Colin Wilson reviews Towards a Gay Communism by the Italian gay liberation activist and writer Mario Mieli.

Mobilise for trans equality now

A planned reform that simplifies how trans people gain recognition of their gender has sparked a wave of attacks on trans people, and not only from the right.

Review: A Party with Socialists in It

Simon Hannah’s book about the history of the Labour left can help us think through what strategies the left should adopt
March against the HDV

Seven reasons to march in Haringey

Join the demo on Wednesday 7 February - we can stop this shocking privatisation.

Business warms to Corbyn: getting our bearings in a new political...

The Tories face disaster – so much so that sections of the ruling class are warming to the idea of a Corbyn government.

On the march for working people’s housing

The growing campaign against privatising council homes in Haringey shows an alternative to privatisation and gentrification, writes Colin Wilson. Over 350 people joined a lively...

Join this march – stop social cleansing in London

This Saturday will see an important protest over housing and gentrification in London, writes Colin Wilson. If you can, come and join the march. It...

Latest articles

Repression of migrants in Greece

Greek police have violently repressed hundreds of migrants attempting to cross the border into North Macedonia.

Review: Never Again

Colin Revolting reviews Never Again by David Renton, the story of the fascist National Front and the campaign which stopped it in its tracks.

Review: Contralto

Kate Bradley reviews Contralto, a one-hour work for video, strings, and percussion that features a cast of transgender women

Interview: the Algerian uprising continues

Supporters of the Algerian uprising will be gathering once again this Saturday (6 April) at 1pm, Marble Arch, London. Seth Uzman speaks to one of the volunteers and reports on the protests so far.

revolutionary reflections | Invisible threads: on value and valorization

Will Searby goes back to the theory of value and exploitation in Marx's Capital to explore how exploitation relates to different forms of oppression.

Building the #YouthStrike4Climate

Hundreds of students of all ages have joined the Cambridge Youth Strike for Climate. Zareen Taj reports on the organising behind the scenes.

Beyond taking sides on No Outsiders

To understand the controversy about LGBT lessons in schools, we need to understand the oppression of both LGBT people and the Muslim community.

Refugee Lifeboat: Statement of intent

We work to provide direct practical and material solidarity with migrants, but also to wage a political struggle against the state, racism and imperialism.

Student bans and securitisation at KCL

Politically active students at KCL have been barred from entering campus without any justification. Read KCL Justice for Cleaners' statement here!

The diary of a Scottish Muslim woman after the Christchurch massacre

Tarrant’s racist ideas are sanctioned and practised by the very top of Western state structures, by far-right organisations and by sections of the media; he just put them into practice.


revolutionary reflections | ‘Green capitalism’: a critical review (Part I)

Today, hundreds of thousands of young people around the world have been taking part in climate strikes. Stephen Graham dissects the discourses of sustainability, Green capitalism and the Green economy.

The Communist Women’s Movement

As we mark International Women's Day (8 March), Estelle Cooch talks Darya Dyakonova and Mike Taber about the history of the Communist Women's Movement (1920-22).

revolutionary reflections | Notes on Capital and the State: part 3

In the concluding part of our serialisation of his 1978 essay on the state in capitalist society, Colin Barker considers the theory of the Permanent Arms Economy.

LGBT History in 21 pieces of music

For LGBT History Month, Colin Wilson presents a history of queer music in 21 tracks.

Yellow vests: Macron’s fuel tax was no solution to climate chaos

Why Macron's 'eco-tax' on fuel was never a fair or effective way to tackle climate change